I‘m german and I watch in real time how a fascist Gouvernement is taking over the US.
Sometimes I feel like I take crazy pills, when a friend of mine assures me that Donald Trump is just a business man who wants to help the country. Or when a good friend of mine who I considered sane and intelligent until this moment sends me a link to a J. D. Vance interview and tells me what a very smart guy this is.
It’s infuriating. And lonely. I think every American against this should be allowed to speak openly and participate. We have to work together, or we have lost already.
I can assure you that it’s the people you are talking to that take the crazy pills on the regular.
There’s a video on I believe YouTube of jd Vance talking about east Palestine (where there was a train derailment and chemical spill that destroyed a town). You should watch it. He sounds like Bernie sanders in it. That’s what makes him so dangerous. He’s smart, he’s competent, he’s got a handful of good ideas (broken clock right twice a day) but he’s also a fucking fascist. IIRC Hitler improved working conditions for the good Aryan Germans during his reign while doing horror to everyone else. That’s how they get their support and a whole lot of people will dismiss the crazy shit as not really happening.
The technofascists that are backing trump want to seek power legally just like Hitler and then … just like Hitler … turn the country into a dictatorship. And genocide the undesirables. Look up Curtis yarvin. Dudes a fucking creep of a philosopher that has the ear and backing of all the technofascists. They are out in the open with what they’re doing.
Suddenly feeling blessed with my (arguably not too many) friends here, also in Germany, who are all center to left. All of them despise AfD and Trump.
But at least people are revealing their true face. 🤷
But at least people are revealing their true face
Yeah, like during COVID. My Mom always says at least you know now who’s crazy an who’s not.
I knew this was the route America was going on since I was a kid. Walked the picket line with teachers during high school when they went on strike, and was appalled at how I was spit on and cursed at by conservative adults.
In 2015/2016, told everyone Bernie was our second chance after we whiffed on Al Gore, and then we again fucked that up.
The masses here are beyond stupid. Wish I had the means to bring my family elsewhere.
then we again fucked that up.
The masses here are beyond stupid
European here. The fault is rarely ever in the masses. The oligarchs you’re trying to fight against control the media and the narrative, it’s extremely hard to win against that. Furthermore, wasn’t Bernie chosen by popular support and then kicked out by DNC?
This time it certainly feels like it - more people than I ever expected really do openly support what Trump is doing. It’s baffling.
And yes, they did. I can’t say for certain that he had the majority of Dem voters in his corner, though. It seemed like most anyone over 40 in 2016 wouldn’t give Bernie the time of day. Lots of older folks thought he was way too progressive
Don’t know who needs to hear it, but here’s some advice that my philosophy professor left me with a long time ago:
Sometimes you can only save one person, and it’s okay for that person to be you.
As an American I think I’m going insane? The last 3 weeks have been some of the most anxious and stressed I’ve ever been.
Trump’s first term was nothing like this, there’s a feeling of apathy in the air among people and coworkers (I live in a very liberal city in the deep south). Folks around here just seem to be on edge at all times, whether you’re pro or anti in a much more divisive way.
There’s a strange feeling knowing there’s a solid chance we won’t make it out of this one. There have been plenty of times in the past where we’ve had doom and gloom (Trump v1, conservatives and Obama), etc. Nothing ever happens, but this time I’m fairly confident the country I was born into will be dead and gone given the shear destruction being waged against our institutions.
I’m protesting and will continue to do what is needed to ensure 47 isn’t the final chapter.
I’m fairly confident the country I was born into will be dead and gone
I do feel bad for the american citizens suffering the consequences, but the US Empire falling is a net positive for the rest of the world. Ask people from Palestine, Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, who suffered the US hegemony
Id love for the US to transition to having less influence globally without totally collapsing, but if this is how we do it, so be it.
It’s kinda the devil we know situation, if the US steps down, who steps up? Are they going to be better or worse, who knows. I never really bought into the notion that we had to be the world police or that all the evil stuff we did, we did because we had to.
It’s because this isn’t Trump’s term. It’s elons. And I know people say that to make fun of them, but it’s also said because it’s actually true.
Trump is incompetent. Useless. Corrupt. Elon has actual dedication, he’s shit at it, but he actually tries. He’s not lazy. But he’s still corrupt
It’s more than Elon’s… There’s a lot of crypto billionaires behind the scenes.
“Shush your mouth, you are not the president” - xj4856df (i can’t remember the characters of his identification)
Protesting is a good start, but I’d say the McMillan TAC-50 is a better choice at this point.
Weird that we have more solidarity with the EU than Mexico.
I’m Mexican and I’m baffled that Canada is trying to distance itself from us. I sincerely don’t get why we’re constantly being excluded.
Its very frustrationg. We should be taking notes from you guys, not pushing you away.
Shared language and cultural background goes far. But it’s definitely time we strengthen ties beyond that
Edit: why downvote for this? I suspect I misrepresented something
Racism goes even further.
Americans whining about wanting to leave the country and take refuge in Canada
for what, so you can squat here and continue to do nothing while your country becomes a Fascist and Imperialist Oligarchy?
No. Maybe we can talk after the Civil war starts when your country invades ours. But for now, this is your problem to deal with.
Civil war starts when your country invades ours
Ohhh, when the USA erupts in civil war AFTER they invade us. I initially thought that you were saying America invading us would be civil war
So…we don’t want allies before they invade us, only after. Got it.
There are a few people in America who agree with your stance on refugees.
Those aren’t allies. they’re mouths to feed and heads to put roofs over, which we dont have.
Wow you really sound a lot like 4547
We have enough problems with people coming into the country with false pretenses and fake asylum. The last thing we need is trojan horses from a country thats suddenly started threatening to invade us.
we have a housing crisis being inflamed by an immigration crisis. Now that we are being directley threatened, Canada isn’t just a refuge for people to use as a safety net to hide in. If they want to come to the country they can apply through the usual process, but there isn’t any special relationship anymore. Thats dead.
if things get really bad, and the US devolves into a civil war, (we will be a part of it). then we can talk about taking in people. but for now its just way too much of a risk for very little reward. Unless they’re going to bring their businesses and jobs with them, they would be consumers, not contributors. and we can’t afford that as the world inches closer to world war than its ever been. especially now that America is not a reliable ally and more importantly, a threat.
“What do you mean, I can’t fix this by posting on social media? Stop oppressing me 😢😢😢”
I posted it all over X, why isn’t it working?!
What is it you are suggesting exactly?
Protesting and organizing is a start instead of the defeatist “it won’t do anything” or “but it annoys people.” Proceeds to do nothing but annoy people online.
And then you get fired, and then you lose your health insurance
Unionize. Organize a strike with coworkers. Ostensibly for better wages, but actually for fighting back.
Unionizing does not make sense for where I am at. For those for whom it does make sense, they will get fired before ever coming close to having a union, and then they will lose their health insurance. Please see Amazon for a good example.
Defeatist logic never got anyone anywhere. It does work. There is so many companies actively unionizing right now, especially mid sized ones that can’t simply close down shop. I’m on the ground, my local has 3 elections for it in 3 weeks coming up.
Please see Amazon for a good example.
We’re actually making a ton of progress on them. That might get wiped with the trump shit. But it’s far from as impossible as their propaganda makes you want to think.
Alright, well, go ahead and get in the box car.
Listen mate. I’m not advocating for this viewpoint. I’m trying to illustrate for y’all the difficulties we face here, that are baked into the system. Obviously we need to unionize. A lot. Soon. But it’s very much stacked against those who try. I will give them all the support I can. But these are very real challenges.
Perhaps The things Americans should be doing are the things you shouldn’t post publicly about doing.
Here are some ideas:
- Do a risk assessment for your specific situation and relationships and work to reduce your risk
- Form stronger bonds with people in your community
- Read history and the mechanisms of similar situations
- Work to reduce fascists radicalization where you can (hint: probably not online)
- Stop enabling whiny “there’s nothing we can do” bullshit
Look at countries that have successfully enacted change when they are angry with their government: Serbia currently, France whenever pensions are threatened, the Maidan Revolution, the Arab Spring (for what that was worth). What do they all have in common? Hint: it isn’t posting from the comfort of your couch.
Well, I see how you reached that conclusion. Unfortunately the US is socioeconomically completely different than any of those places, and our own oligarchs have engineered the system to keep us in our place.
How true, Americans are much more oppressed and less free than Ukrainians under Yanukovych or Egyptians under Mubarak. People everywhere are saying they’re the biggest victims by far — yuge victimhood.
Americans are fed insane propaganda from birth to death about how they’re powerless to change our government. It’s a total lie. And curiously, a large chunk of them are really into the second amendment to protect themselves against tyranny (wtf are they doing the tyranny is here). I guess we’ll see what happens when president musk finally goes after social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
You may be, but clearly more than half of you are not 🤷♂️
Have you checked the voter turnout? Because I didn’t but it’s traditionally low in the US for different reasons. And this doesn’t take into account people not allowed to vote. I don’t live in a utopia either but the US is especially undemocratic by design
Voters that chose to stay home are functionally the same as Trump supporters. They chose this.
Surprisingly this was one of the most active elections since 1900. Others being JFK and 2020.
Nonetheless, turnout in 2024 was still high by modern standards. The 1960 election between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon (63.8 percent) is the only other election in the last 112 years to exceed 63 percent voter turnout.
I wasn’t talking about this vote compared to other US elections but about the US voting system compared to other nations. 63.9% is still low for international standards. The comment above me said “half of you did”, turns out it’s closer to a third. And I’m not blaming the third that stayed at home, I’m blaming the system for shying them away.
How many eligible voters chose not to out of apathy or other factors within their control?
I do see a lot of American replies saying “well I didn’t vote for this so it’s not my fault.”
Fault isn’t the issue for me. All Americans have a responsibility to course correct. The sooner it can be done in numbers the less risky it is for them to stand up and speak out.
I think the punchline of this meme is based in the reality I find myself in. The rest of the world is trying to figure out what life is going to be like when a former ally becomes ambivalent at best and an active adversary at worst. I really can’t be arsed to respond to every commenter who sucks the oxygen out of the room seeking absolution or exception to the anti-American sentiment.
They have a strong individualist consumer culture. If they can’t individually consume their way out of it, many of them think they’ve done everything they can.
We have a gun behind every blade of grass but we’ve been taught whitewashed history for generations so no one realizes they can fight back in ways that don’t involve pointlessly marching around with signs and getting pepper sprayed, tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets and arrested.
The real way to fight fascism historically is communism. You haven’t been taught whitewashed history, you’ve been radicalised against your own interests
You read my comment wildly wrong. Whitewashed history is all the peaceful nonviolent civil rights protests and leaders they lie about. For example, MLKs I have a dream but not MLKs letter from Birmingham jail.
I’m not radicalized against my own interests, I’m an ancom
Not their fault would get a silent thumbs-up from me. I’m not judging any individual American - the current vibe is angry, but I think most Canadians have known enough of them to know many are fine.
Realistically, what do you expect at this point in time?
Trump’s in office since less than a month. There have already been larger protests. With 50501, there is a movement growing. Things will take time.
I’m in favor of showing more empathy to everyone who’s personally affected and didn’t vote for this, including people who got robbed of their opportunity to vote.
It’s unreasonable to ask already marginalized groups now “why aren’t you correcting this?”. There is no quick way to correct this. It will be a long and drawn-out process, and maybe will also require the insight of Americans that lying to masses is not voicing your opinion as free speech.
I think what he is saying is they are still trying to figure out the impact on them and their response.
We let ourselves get put in this shit, we need to deal with it. I am starting to believe the idea that we have to put fear into the heart of fascism. We cannot equivocate protecting free speech with protecting hate speech, we have to judge and call people out on their bullshit, otherwise we end up here.
lying to masses is not voicing your opinion as free speech
A dangerous yet necessary concept
Protests barely have effect. What we need is more government workers growing spines.
We need every second amendment enthusiast to well regulate themselves into a militia and grow a fucking spine and fight this coup.
Or since the coup is marching in with laptops and USBs instead of tanks and guns, idk, fucking stop them?
I’m willing to consider California becoming the 11th province. We’re gonna make these GAFAM pay for all these years of manipulation and rename the US to Naziland.
Nah, California is too right-wing and populous, it’d overwhelm Canada’s Canadianness.
I think we should take Alaska, it always made more sense as a Canadian territory.
If you think California is too right wing, but Alaska isn’t?
It’s right wing too, but it’s not populous.
California’s population is roughly equal to Canada’s. Alaska’s got less than 2% of Canada’s population. We can absorb Alaska without too much disruption, California would be more of a fusion. And their economy is twice the size of Canada’s, so likely it’d be seen as more of Canada joining California rather than the other way around.
God I’m so tired of this shit. I swear the intent is to downplay the danger that many of America’s marginalized communities are in. That way trans people don’t have anywhere to run. People with disabilities have no where to run. POC have no where to run. Most, if not all, of y’all have laws specifically forbidding refugees from the US. This is because the US has traditionally been considered a safe harbor for refugees. However, the US government is now sending immigrants to Guantanamo and threatening to do the same with trans people, people with disabilities, and so on.
We need your help. Not by stepping in and correcting course, but by giving us safe refuge. Most of us are already in very serious danger and sweating bullets while we watch the gun slowly move to point at us, but we have nowhere to run because no one accepts US refugees.
I’m trans. I’m living in Texas. I voted for Harris. I’m watching the gun as it attempts to murder my friends (I have some birthright citizenship friends) as it slowly drifts ever closer. We need your help, because right now I’m expecting that our expiration dates are less than a year away. They gotta find something to do with us once they start running out of space in Guantanamo c::
Why are you looking at other countries when literally any state would be better than the shithole you’re in? And even there I think you’ll be perfectly fine in major cities.
But you’re welcome to California. Not prefect, but not fucking Texas.
Yeah, uh, that hasn’t stopped them from going after people in blue states.
Edit: that’s a valid question, though. However, I’m concerned that it won’t be enough.
In Canada, we need to start prioritising accepting more trans people, POC, and other marginalized communities fleeing persecution. It is absolutely dehumanising and disgusting how the USA is treating trans people right now. Trans rights are human rights.
We also urgently need to deny Pierre Poilievre the election, since he is openly hostile to and scapegoating trans people and other minorities, while cozying up to white supremacists.
Fuck me for wanting in on a discussion about how my own country is going to shit, right? I guess I’ll go jump off a bridge or something
You do realize we’re going through a fascist coup right?
Not really. The people voted for this.
No, land voted for this. And people manipulated by the technofascists and their propaganda machines, social media, voted for this.
We haven’t had a free and fair election since before 2000.
This time he won a popular vote. Well, there was enormous amount of voters suppression, but that’s a given, everyone knew that will happen and had time to prepare. Half of eligible population didn’t even tried to do bare minimum.
Time to prove that the second amendment really works then?
Yes. And historically, what is the right response to a country that is doing that?
Healthy dose of Bolshevism
Are you guys aware that the point is to show you, as a sign of camaraderie, that there are Americans who disagree with the current admin, rather than to try to get praise?
Its really hard to have sympathy for any americans because even “the left” seems to have done everything possible to enable fascism by repeatedly throwing the working class under the bus in favour of corporations.
You all had your chance with Bernie but you kicked him to the curb for a creature grown in a lab by credit card corporations.
I have a lot of sympathy. I feel awful for them. Unfortunately, it is the kind of sympathy I would feel for an enemy soldier that I think is maybe fighting against their will. I feel bad for them but there is no way I am putting my gun down while they are around. They are still the enemy and “they” are still trying to kill me. We are not going to be friends.
I understand it’s not as easy as a comment on The Internet but the American resistance needs to nut up and someone needs to put one between the eyes if everyone who architected or who is actively implementing Project 2025.
At this point the American military needs to stage a military coup and take back the country.
I don’t think it will ever happen but wishful thinking.
So many people are sitting on their hands going “Violence is never acceptable”.
I think I ate a 3 day ban on one of the communities for making a joke about guillotining billionaires. Bunch of bootlicking cowards. I get not wanting to go and do some murder on your own, but come on.
Because, and I’ll be blunt, a blanket of “guillotine billionaires” is disgusting. Billionaires shouldn’t exist but I have no qualms with Bill Gates or Warren Buffet for simply playing the game we were all forced to take part in.
Some billionaires like Musk, Zuckerberg, Ellison however… They should all be hung for treason.
Imagine telling Jews in the Holocaust their opinions and thoughts don’t matter because Hitler was elected.
That’s not what’s happening. People weighing in on the political situation, airing their concerns, or trying to highlight issues that aren’t being reported on aren’t the ones being called out here. It’s the “but I’m one of the good ones” comments that have been peppered into every discussion on non-US-centric communities.
Whether you’re one of the good ones or not is immaterial. It’s contributing nothing. It’s just people trying to make the discussion about them.
That’s our way of begging you to take us in if things get bad. Are you willing to or is your progressiveness and ability to take refugees conditional on where they come from?
Our electoral system has been rigged for decades. The only way forward is coordinated mass strikes and if that doesn’t work, violence.
My dude, if things get worse Canadians are not going to be in a position to offer anything. All this trade war shit will annihilate our economy, for a start. And if we get invaded, how can we help? This is like Russians asking Ukrainians for aid.
I mean, realistically, people will figure things out on a local level if and when it happens, but it doesn’t sound like you have thought through the implications of where things could be going.