Pretty much yeah, because that’s how you utilise the shittiest parts.
I mean I can’t speak for all cultures obviously.
But you know.
Pretty much yeah, because that’s how you utilise the shittiest parts.
I mean I can’t speak for all cultures obviously.
But you know.
It’s definitely this.
Boris Johnson did a super awkward interview where he talked about how he “loved painting models as kids, especially buses, red buses” so that he might bleed a little of the search results for “Boris johnson red bus” so that the massive lie he was caught wouldn’t spread as wide. They know it doesn’t stop the thing, but it affects it and they’re not afraid of being laughed at, so…
Oh yeah. That looks good even on PC.
“Shat the onion”? Naah that doesn’t too right either.
See, it’s just like aways, my little sweetums.
Just. Like. I. Said.
I most certainly don’t agree with your sidetracking.
**You can’t admit to the crimes of Putin without going “but only if every other leader is corrupt as well” you’re a coward, WHO DOESN’T TAKE A STAND.
There’s an ICC warrant for Putin. For a reason.
Just like each and every time. You won’t accept Russian warcrimes which are very well documented. You’re just too cowardly and really bad at playing smart.
It’s always the same. You really should pay attention to my nickname and avoid it, lil’ вахтера
I mean.
HEREWASANATTEMPT Last Name First Name Justin comments 10 Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle 11 12 Bryant 13 Burmham 15 16 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke Joshua Coristine Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley Kmiec 17 18 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 23 Lahera 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Lindemann Musk Peters Rajpal Ramada Raynor Schutt Shaotran Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin Kyle Ethan 32 Smith 33 34 35 36 Stanley Wick Wiles Young Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Removed by Reddit 1 Display N Armstrong, Anthony J. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher Justin.W.Aimonetti@doge.eop.gov Jacob.R.Altik@doge.eop.gov Anthony.J.Armstrong@doge.eop.gov Jennifer. Balajadia@doge.eop.gov Alexandra.T.Beynon@doge.eop.gov Riccardo.N.Biasini@doge.eop.gov Akash.N.Bobba@doge.eop.gov Ashley.S.Boizelle@doge.eop.gov Emily.L.Bryant@doge.eop.gov James.Burnham@doge.eop.gov Edward.H.Coristine@doge.eop.gov Steven.M.Davis@doge.eop.gov Marko.Elez@doge.eop.gov Luke.E.Farritor@doge.eop.gov Joshua.Fox@doge.eop.gov Joshua.A.Hanley@doge.eop.gov Stephanie.M.Holmes2@doge.eop.gov Gautier.C.Killian@doge.eop.gov Keenan.D.Kmiec@doge.eop.gov Nicholas.Lahera@doge.eop.gov Kendall.M.Lindemann@doge.eop.gov erm71@who.eop.gov Noah.Peters@doge.eop.gov Nikhil. Rajpal@doge.eop.gov Adam.Ramada@doge.eop.gov Austin.L. Raynor@doge.eop.gov Kyle.L.Schutt@doge.eop.gov Ethan.Shaotran@doge.eop.gov Brad.M.Smith@doge.eop.gov Christopher. Stanley@doge.eop.gov Jordan.M.Wick@doge.eop.gov Susan.S.Wiles@who.eop.gov Christopher. J.Young@doge.eop.gov
It’s not perfect, but being able to do that on anything just by pressing one button is pretty nifty imo. Convenient.
Ah. So it’s the tech/protocol/[correctlabel] that’s behind the technology that allows me to just hold down the home button on my Samsung S24 while looking at that picture so I can just paint and copypaste this from the image?
Aimonetti Altik Armstrong Balajadia Beynon Biasini Bobba Boizelle Bryant Burnham Coristine 16 17 Jacob Anthony Jennifer Alexandra Riccardo Akash Ashley Emily James Edward Steven Marko Luke 18 Davis Elez Farritor Fox Hanley 19 20 Holmes 21 Killian 22 Kmiec Lahera Lindemann Musk Joshua Joshua Stephanie Gautier Keenan Nicholas Kendall Elon Noah Nikhil Adam Austin 23 24 25 26 Peters 27 Rajpal 28 Ramada 29 30 31 Shaotran 32 33 34 35 Raynor Schutt Smith Stanley Wick Wiles 36 Young Kyle Ethan Brad Christopher Jordan Susan Christopher Removed by Reddit 1 Display Nne Aimonetti, Justin W. Altik, Jacob R. Armstrong, Anthony J. Balajadia, Jennifer Beynon, Alexandra T. Biasini, Riccardo N. Bobba, Akash N. Boizelle, Ashley S. Bryant, Emily L. Burnham, James Coristine, Edward H. Davis, Steven M. Elez, Marko Farritor, Luke E. Fox, Joshua Hanley, Joshua A. Holmes, Stephanie M. Killian, Gautier C. Kmiec, Keenan D. Lahera, Nicholas Lindemann, Kendall M. Musk, Elon R. Peters, Noah Rajpal, Nikhil Ramada, Adam Raynor, Austin L. Schutt, Kyle L. Shaotran, Ethan Smith, Brad M. Stanley, Christopher A. Wick, Jordan M. Wiles, Susan S. Young, Christopher J. Justin.W.Aimonetti@doge.eop.gov Jacob.R.Altik@doge.eop.gov Anthony.J.Armstrong@doge.eop.gov Jennifer.Balajadia@doge.eop.gov Alexandra.T.Beynon@doge.eop.gov Riccardo.N.Biasini@doge.eop.gov Akash.N.Bobba@doge.eop.gov Ashley.S.Boizelle@doge.eop.gov Emily.L. Bryant@doge.eop.gov James.Burnham@doge.eop.gov Edward.H.Coristine@doge.eop.gov Steven.M.Davis@doge.eop.gov Marko.Elez@doge.eop.gov Luke.E.Farritor@doge.eop.gov Joshua.Fox@doge.eop.gov Joshua.A.Hanley@doge.eop.gov Stephanie.M.Holmes2@doge.eop.gov Gautier.C.Killian@doge.eop.gov Keenan.D.Kmiec@doge.eop.gov Nicholas.Lahera@doge.eop.gov Kendall.M.Lindemann@doge.eop.gov erm71@who.eop.gov Noah.Peters@doge.eop.gov Nikhil. Rajpal@doge.eop.gov Adam.Ramada@doge.eop.gov Austin.L. Raynor@doge.eop.gov Kyle.L.Schutt@doge.eop.gov Ethan.Shaotran@doge.eop.gov Brad.M.Smith@doge.eop.gov Jordan.M.Wick@doge.eop.gov Susan.S.Wiles@who.eop.gov Christopher. Stanley@doge.eop.gov Christopher.).Young@doge.eop.gov
This here?
What’s OCR? Please elaborate. I could Google it, but a personal touch is always nice.
Might as well spam a bit to panic any crawling bots by the numbers it’s posted
Sleep makes you learn.
Everything before a sleep is just what you’re loading in for that sleep session basically.
Reading 4 hours and sleeping 4 is 10x better than reading 8 and sleeping zero.
Or reading 2 hours and sleeping 6 instead of reading 6 and sleeping 2. (The former being the better choice.)
You’re not taking a stand.
That’s like me saying “hey, that guy there, he raped a person, I saw him put his dick into another person with force, against their will” and me asking you to be a witness and affirm that thing to the cops, and then you come in and say “well yeah, everyone who has a penis is technically a rapist, so yeah, I admit that that person is a rapist because he has a penis” which would mean you’re implying that you are not a witness to that rape.
You see how this works? Like each and every time, I have to draw it out of you, and then when I do, you just skip and run. I told you, we’ve had this chat a dozen times.
Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the Russian military and authorities have committed war crimes, such as deliberate attacks against civilian targets, including on hospitals, medical facilities and on the energy grid;[1][2][3] indiscriminate attacks on densely-populated areas; the abduction, torture and murder of civilians; forced deportations; sexual violence; destruction of cultural heritage; and the killing and torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war.
If you accept these to be true, I’d shut up. But you won’t. Instead you’ll keep whatabouting about Zelensky, hoping I’ll instead try to shift the conversation onto asking “why don’t you support Zelensky”, but that’s kinda obvious, so I don’t. And you won’t accept those crimes, like all the dozens of times before, and you won’t accept that Putin should be held personally responsible for those crimes either, I’d wager.
Please, do prove me wrong.
So you admit he’s a warcriminal because of the crimes on humanity he’s guilty of, which Zelensky is not? You’re not taking a side.
I don’t think you’re a state actor, you’re clearly not a professional in anything. But like… even if I did, do you think I’m actually trying to say that Russian disinfo wouldn’t be able to lie?
Now you’re just doing the very same “oh I already admitted to that” thing, because you pretend like saying “all world leaders are bad” means the same thing as admitting to Putin’s crimes.
You avoid being directly unpatriotic, because you think you can outsmart me. It’s like watching a toddler hide behind some curtains, not realising their feet are showing and that one can actually hear them giggling.
Basically, you avoid anything that could actually get you thrown out of a window. You won’t actually take a stand against Putin. No, you’ll try to pretend to admit to criticising him while trying to criticise Zelensky. Zelensky hasn’t invaded a sovereign nation with his armed forces. He is defending his country though, and unlike Putin, he isn’t a low-test bald fattie hiding in a bunker.
Just like always. You can’t admit to Russia illegally invading Ukraine, Putin being personally responsible for several crimes against humanity unlike Zelensky, because you can’t take a side in this, because your arse clenches up at the slightest thought of rebelling against what you ultimately know to be wrong.
See, this is exactly what you do. You pretend to admit to it, but only in a comment where you say “oh yeah, Putin is a warcriminal IF everyone else is as well”. That’s not admitting to his criminality, that’s you trying to be “smart.”
It’s genuinely like arguing a twelve-year old school boy. Worse, honestly. I talked to some tweeners today on the bus and they made better arguments than you do when they defended vaping on the bus. FFS.
Welcome to the Nordics, min ven. <3
Although despite your good fortune, I do worry for the rest of America, despite having no intentions of going there.
Ask a question… like; would you mind confirming Putin is a warcriminal and a sad bald bastard?
Dude wee had this chat like a dozen times.
Here’s how it’ll go.
I point out your shitty rhetoric. You equivocate. I ask if you wouldn’t mind confirming Putin is a warcriminal, you get scared of being thrown out of a window and don’t reply, then I point out how you’re a little scaredycat, afraid of saying “Putin is a smalldicked dictator”, then you pretend “I already said it” (when you never did.)
Then I point that out and you run away as usual
Haha. I wear cheap Chinese bluetooth literally on my skull like 95% of the time, web when sleeping.
Hope they enjoy my thoughts.