I thought I was so original posting this yesterday:
Elon “I can’t possibly be a racist troll, some of my best serfs are Negroes!” Musk.
Turns out his own father beat me to it!
Holy shit
Speaking about the mine, Errol told Musk biographer Walter Isaacson: “If you registered it, you would wind up with nothing, because the Blacks would take everything from you.”
Hmm…exactly the guy to prove someone isn’t racist.
Maybe he meant Elon wasn’t racist enough in his opinion?
Elon probably seems remarkably egalitarian compared to him, even now.
Classic. Can’t be racist, cause he once met a black dude…
That his father effectively owned.
Reminds me of that dude whose argument was “Do you know how expensive a slave was back then?!” lmao
I remember the fat fuck and his abject lack of self-awareness.
“He’s not racist, it’s just that I taught him that he was superior to every black person that he ever met as a child.” Fucking hell.
Him and everything in his society.
This is beyond parody at this point.
Makes Cheryl Tunt look more realistic than this family.
Hey, Cheryl/Charlene/Cristal/whatever was awesome!
You’re not my manager!
I’m not racist, my favorite slaves are black
Nothing racist about that. Just libertarian, but please call them free bounded employees /s
He paid black people to be nice to Musk as a child… and that’s his defense!?
He’s just rreeeaalllyy into white people breeding.
No /s required there
Oh yeah, true. I’ll remove it.
I read the headline and was absolutely positive that it was an onion article, then saw where this was posted.
This is the same guy that married his step daughter.
Not married but…
He has two children with her mother
and he has two children with her
In the early 1990s, Errol, then aged 45, married Heide Bezuidenhout, a 25-year old he described as “one of the best looking women I’ve ever seen in my life”. They had two children. Jana Bezuidenhout, who was his stepdaughter from that marriage, and four years old at the time Errol became her stepfather, later became his romantic partner.
Just shows how disconnected from reality these people are. They live in a bubble of luxury, affluence, yes-men. They’ve never experienced any semblance of hardship or struggle, ever. He grew up with servants for fucks sake.
How dumb do you have to be to mess up the “I have a black friend” defense?
Look, I think my opinion on Elon is obvious, but “my son made friends with people whose best interest was to be friendly towards him and not mouth off” is not a good argument lmao