Is very energetic
That’s the secret IMHO, being active is more than working out. Living an energetic lifestyle gives you a faster metabolism. Activate your core doing anything in your daily life will burn much more calories than slouching.
Is very energetic
That’s the secret IMHO, being active is more than working out. Living an energetic lifestyle gives you a faster metabolism. Activate your core doing anything in your daily life will burn much more calories than slouching.
There’s many reasons, site specific settings like selecting a language or if a certain popup message been dismissed by the user so it’s not shown again. Sorting settings, dark/light mode or what stage of the signup process the user is at.
Altough I agree many aren’t a necessity and could be eliminated by better software design.
Correct, if you want to live cookieless on the internet you have to disable them in browser. But as others have said, this will break the majority of websites.
Functional cookies can never be used for identifiable information, only to ensure the functionality of the website.
GDPR infringements are categorized by severity and impact to its users, but also by the yearly turnover by said company. Meaning cookie banners by smaller companies are low priority.
You could try contacting the relevant Data Protection Authority from your country or the providers country.
There is no reject all in GDPR, because functional cookies are still allowed. So the default behaviour is only functional cookies are allowed.
Edit: Companies have been fined for making cookie options too complicated, under GDPR all other cookies are opt-in. This is what a banner should look like:
Preposterous, I will discuss this with my 18 political parties and come back to you within 200 days.
A long held tradition by my countrymen! Rejoice!
As a Belgian running an instance:
Am I a joke to you?
I’m kidding ofcourse, and I’m not really representing my country, except for an aptly named community.
This interaction is basically me at a restaurant