Brave little thing! They should preserve it…
Brave little thing! They should preserve it…
What a needlessly aggressive reply…
Okay, but when this is discussed “making opt out the default” means you are signed up and have to opt out if you don’t want to be signed up.
Thank you, that’s great!
Gooble gobble, one of us!
Any other source for this? It doesn’t load for me…
Don’t forget about housing! Can’t even have shelter from the elements without paying through the nose to some rent-raising billionaire or giant corporation…
I love that we’re supposed to pretend this is “doxxing”. These are public government work-email addresses! Our taxes are paying for the chaos and destruction they’re doing…
Open-source technology absolutely is making the world better.
Hey, that’s not fair. We still are a bunch of shmucks!
Why do Republicans feel compelled to be on the unethical or wrong side of literally everything!?
Unrestrained Capitalism. Without those pesky regulations, companies can charge us all unlimited amounts and not have to consider our rights or health/safety.
My bad, I’ll laugh now!
Woah, too hot, I was at work! You should put nsfw in the comment, please…
Are you… accusing me of being a bot?
Even before the AI fad, services like Grammarly were surprising to me. So, you’re marketing to non-readers, and people who want to sound better in written communication… without learning to write better… Huh. My current employment has very little formal writing as part of it, yet I still think learning how to effectively communicate is absolutely vital for any job, or at least for getting a better one…
Defensive… If someone asks you for advice, and says they have doubts about the answer they received from a Magic 8-Ball, how would you feel?