Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • Welcome!

    It’s a weird feeling in the beginning. For me I was the same, I realized how addicted I had become to it, almost withdrawal from it. But after a while I realized what toll the constant firehose had taken on me.

    You’ll notice we have less here, I view it as a good thing. Less content, but it’s higher quality. I check my phone less but when I do it’s less mindless scrolling. There are actual good articles.

    Plus as you see I can actually chat with people here, instead the insta-hate I got on Reddit.

    So overall, welcome! Let us know if you need directions :)

  • Eh it bothers us too, but as you go through college you’ll realize more and more that unlike grade school you don’t need to care about other people’s opinions. That person is just a dick and make it very obvious, so you know you don’t want to spend time with them. Vs high school where you’re more or less forced into close quarters with them daily.

    I think that’s one of those skills that we adults just pick up slowly, not giving a shit. I remember being your age and being the same way, I was personally very emotional and took things very personally. As I grew up I guess I just learned with experience to not care. It’s a skill we all kind of learn, it’s just not very fun learning it.

  • Best thing to do for things like that is let them just roll off. Either don’t respond and engage, or simply reply something like “Uh, yup, I guess so, why?” Make them explain it without asking them to explain it. It would for sure go something like:

    You: “Yeah I guess so, why?”

    Oh I just think it’s funny that freshman just are so excited to take part

    You: “I am excited to take part, is that funny?” or “I am excited to take part, this is my favorite subject” - Make them feel guilty for trying to call you out.

    Now all of a sudden they’re the ones called out, and you didn’t even do it. Shuts that shit down real quick. Note that you didn’t defend yourself, you didn’t get defensive, you didn’t even play into their “joke”. So what if you’re excited! If you’re in America you’re paying 10s of thousands of dollars to be there, why be apathetic about it. Then cross your fingers that someone else says “Me too!” and the jerk just quietly fades away.

    That sort of interaction will all of a sudden make them obviously a jerk for saying it, and they’ll try to backtrack or something but you’ll just play it off like it’s nothing, and move on. Meanwhile everyone else will be thinking “Wow they were an asshole for saying that” to you.

  • I’ve never seen the full version! Thanks!

    And I loathe this person who always shows up in the comments. The only way to live fully moral is to completely decouple from society.

    Spoiler For the Good place

    Hell that was a major plot point of The Good Place, that you can try your absolute best to not do anything immoral, but then you’ve effectively never lived your life, you would have to become a hermit completely living alone to even begin to achieve that.