Title essentially. Youtube’s algorithm is hot garbage, so I can’t search for anything anymore without a ton of AI slop and rage bait. So, who do you go to for actual good long form videos? Exposes, scandals, behind the scenes, documentaries, film, travel, transit, who do you recommend I follow?
A Catholic socialist, a Jewish anarchist, and a Muslim communist walk into a bar, and they make a podcast about engineering disasters: Well There’s Your Problem. It’s great for that intersection of people for whom the phrase “crimes against TERFs aren’t crimes” resonates and like listening to an engineer complain about low quality as-builts 2 hours into a 3 hour episode about 9/11
I was sold on the show when I found out that the episode about the Titanic was split into two parts, totaling around 5 and 1/2 hours. That’s partially because they spend a lot of time bullshitting, and partially because they go really in-depth about how and why structures fail
OK that sounds exactly made for me
WTYP Pod, the podcast that hates you back!
One I haven’t seen mentioned yet that I think needs more exposure is miniminuteman: https://m.youtube.com/@miniminuteman773/
He does a mix of long form archeology videos and short form pseudo-archeology debunking. Some of it should be dry content but his delivery bridges the gap every time. He has a side channel where he posts about his side projects like his solo motorcycle trips that’s also interesting.
Technology Connections
Clay sculpting with humorous narration.
Watch 30 seconds to get the feel. One of the best.
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Great list! I would just add The Majority Report if you’re looking to learn more about politics while also trying to understand what is happening today. They do a ~2.5-hour live show every weekday which includes a quick overview of the latest headlines for today, an interview of someone with knowledge about some politics-related topic, and then an hour of mostly right wing videos that they discuss, argue with, and vent about.
I love it for how informative it is and for keeping me sane.
No wonder I feel like such an outsider here. I’ve been on youtube for almost two decades and there’s not a single channel I follow mentioned here in this thread.
EDIT: Well there was one match: Primitive Technology
Na, you just found other good stuff, YouTube is actually really massive. Add some of yours here as well!
Andrew Camarata (heavy machinery), Advoko Makes (bushcraft), Blacktail Studios (woodworking), Foreyes Furniture (woodworking), Foresty Forest (van life & hiking), Alec Steele (blacksmithing), Animagraphs (3D models of how stuff works), Berm Peak (mountain biking), Chris Fix (mechanics), Cleetus McFarland (cars, flying), Colin Furze (making), DIY Perks (making), Garand Thumb (guns), good Times Bad Times (geopolitics), Grind Hard Plumbing Co. (custom vehicle builds), Jon Gadget (EDC gadgets), Lincoln St. Woodworks (woodworking), Matthias Wandell (woodworking) Project Farm (product reviews & testing), Max Maker (making), Müjin (home improvement), Night Shift (scale models), Northmen (woodworking, building, blacksmithing), Outdoors55 (knife sharpening), Peter Santenello (travel / people), Practical Engineering (civil engineering explained), This Old Tony (machining)
Two video game ones:
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Depends how long is long form for you, if you mean like multi hour videos I have less to give. But for like 25 to 40 minutes videos:
Practical engineering - educational videos about civil engineering.
Dr. Becky - space/astronomy news from an astrophysicist.
Plainly difficult - civil disaster documentaries
Joseph Anderson - gaming essays (multi hour)
Raycevick - gaming essays (around 30min)
The sphere hunter - game essays, mainly classic horror
Jay Foreman - British comedy.
LGR - retro tech deep dives, and tech oddware.
Joe Scott - Did you know, style investigations.
Plus some already mentioned. There is probably more, but keeping this shorter.
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Because I manually download videos to watch on the bus or train (thanks Grayjay & NewPipe), most of my subscriptions are for long-form, often listenable content:
Retro Tech: Techmoan, Technology Connections, Posy, Janus Cycle, CRD, Ben Eater, DiodeGoneWild, pannenkoek2012, videolabguy, Adrian’s Digital Basement,The Science Elf, previously LGR and 8-Bit Guy/Keys
Science: Kuvina Saydaki, BobbyBroccoli, Numberphile, Computerphile, carykh
Tech News & Discussion (not always long-form): Louis Rossmann, Mental Outlaw, Brodie Robertson, SomeOrdinaryGamers, Asianometry, Atomic Shrimp, previously Thunderf00t
Urbanism: Not Just Bikes, Adam Something, Alan Fisher, Tramly, BritMonkey
D&D Story Narration: CritCrab, Puffin Forest
Bold channels are most underrated imo
Check out nebula. Lots of overlap and downloads well.
I only really subscribe to two channels that focus on 20-30 minute videos and post on a pretty regular basis:
Technology Connections
Internet Comment Etiquette with Erik
Seconding Technology Connections. Great long form content
The longest videos I watch on YouTube, and I enjoy every minute of them.
Especially the dishwashers.