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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2024


  • No. I’m saying you cannot have a complete list because the chip is user friendly. Look at all the “ESP32 project” results in the search engine of your choice if you want an incomplete list. Unlike say an Intel processor, you don’t need a contract with the manufacturer to make a device with the chip so not even Espressif has a list of commercial products that ship with their chip.

    I will not stop you from building a list, I’d just not bother if I were you. There is no use of one resulting from this news. Suppose I told you “LOOK! This device’s firmware was compiled before they knew the program might be .1% more efficient with this instruction discovered in 2025!” – would that really change how you feel about the device? We live in an age of bloat; most software has way higher overhead that could be optimized away.

    However, lots of people will fail to realize that, again, this is not an exploit so I’ll enjoy lower ESP32 prices for future home automation projects.

  • That’s like saying “I want a list of all devices with ATmega328P.” Anyone can make a unique device with this chip as the processor, in fact I have. It’s a chip with an extremely low barrier of entry thanks to extensive documentation, lots of dev boards and libraries. Not as low as the 555 (lots of people’s first IC) but WAY lower than anything you’d traditionally consider a 32-bit CPU.

    Anyway, even if you obtained the list magically, it would be of little use. To be clear: this is not an exploit. The chip just has more instructions than previously thought – instructions that you write into your program when building an ESP32 device. This can make some programs a little faster or smaller but you still need to flash them onto the microcontroller – using physical access, OTA (if you set it up in the existing FW) or some exploit (in someone’s OTA implementation, perhaps).

  • There is a modern-style (awful-UX) site that gathers phrase translations, via opensubtitles.org and other sources. Examples for German:

    Ich lebe sowieso immer nur für die nächste Kurve.
    “I always only live for the next curve anyway”

    ich lebe meinen Leben in Viertelmeilenschritten.
    “I live my life in quarter-mile steps.”

    Ich lebe mein Leben in Halb-Kilometer-Abschnitten
    “I live my life in half-kilometer sections.”


    Żyję szybko i nigdy nie patrzę dalej, niż na pół mili.
    “I live fast and never look farther than half a mile.”

    Przeżywam moje życie w niesamowitym tempie.
    “I live my life at an incredible pace.”

    Moje życie to te krótkie chwile na trasie.
    “My life is those short moments on the road.”

    żyję od wyścigu do wyścigu.
    “I live from race to race.”

    Which ones are official? Dunno, it doesn’t say. The more literal ones are probably subs as opposed to dub CCs.

    15 more languages are available but I don’t understand them enough to check an automatic translation. It’s not needed now but you need desktop mode to see the “view in context” button and instead of an account, I use a custom CSS file to unblur the bottom examples.