NEW ORLEANS, LA - The NFL has announced that the prominent end zone messages of “No More Racism” will be updated for Super Bowl LIX between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday by simply removing the word ‘No’.
The Onion has lost all credibility since a couple of weeks.
EDIT: Geez you people don’t like jokes… I’m saying this because reality got so stupid lately that even The Onion can’t go far enough. And it’s the very nature of satire not to be credible. That’s what the joke was all about, it’s… The Onion lol. Also fuck you all if you’re trigerred by this.
Naaah, the joke is actually really good. The fact that you and a bunch of other can’t detect sarcasm without it being explicitly labeled is not my problem in the end, but I have an idea of the link between all of you. My only mistake was trying to explain it to idiots. And yeah people triggered by this are losers : “tHe OnIOn nEws dOesN’t hAve to be cRedible”, duh.
Also what the fuck are you doing here? Did I expose you previously for being a pos and you’re still mad about it?? That would make you the ultimate loser in this thread lol.
Nah, you’re just a bad comedian, and like all bad comedians, get super butthurt when they get told their joke sucked. Would have been moderately funny if you’d actually used the correct satirical publication.
My only mistake was trying to explain it to idiots.
No, your mistake was the bad joke, not being able to take criticism, and raging at people who talk about your lame joke. But feel free to respond for the last word, I won’t read it.
Feel free to assume I’ve interacted with you before, I’m sure that helps lol.
The Onion has lost all credibility since a couple of weeks.
EDIT: Geez you people don’t like jokes… I’m saying this because reality got so stupid lately that even The Onion can’t go far enough. And it’s the very nature of satire not to be credible. That’s what the joke was all about, it’s… The Onion lol. Also fuck you all if you’re trigerred by this.
Lol. Lmao even.
Naaah, the joke is actually really good. The fact that you and a bunch of other can’t detect sarcasm without it being explicitly labeled is not my problem in the end, but I have an idea of the link between all of you. My only mistake was trying to explain it to idiots. And yeah people triggered by this are losers : “tHe OnIOn nEws dOesN’t hAve to be cRedible”, duh.
Also what the fuck are you doing here? Did I expose you previously for being a pos and you’re still mad about it?? That would make you the ultimate loser in this thread lol.
Nah, you’re just a bad comedian, and like all bad comedians, get super butthurt when they get told their joke sucked. Would have been moderately funny if you’d actually used the correct satirical publication.
No, your mistake was the bad joke, not being able to take criticism, and raging at people who talk about your lame joke. But feel free to respond for the last word, I won’t read it.
Feel free to assume I’ve interacted with you before, I’m sure that helps lol.
How? This isn’t even from the Onion. Also, how can a satire news source have credibility?
I call it humor.
Congrats, you’ve just experienced your first time “bombing” it’s something every aspiring comedian experiences. Write better jokes.
Nah, I still think it’s a good joke, sorry. But you user name checks out lol.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see you’re as original as you are funny.
I’m just jocking lol. There’s many reason to be mad right now, a bad joke (there I’m admitting it) isn’t a good one.