At that point, why give the nazi fuck any browser usage? If you don’t trust the source, don’t trust the product.
Like the other person said, use Ungoogled Chromium. I use it on a couple of my devices and it works pretty well.
At that point, why give the nazi fuck any browser usage? If you don’t trust the source, don’t trust the product.
Like the other person said, use Ungoogled Chromium. I use it on a couple of my devices and it works pretty well.
Dude, you completely misunderstood my statement and got agro because you didn’t read what I said and you weren’t worth composing a normal response. With this response, I have no intention of dealing with your garage attitude again, have a good day.
I fear the day my 2014 hp LaserJet dies. There won’t be a decent printer on the market…
Salmonella?!? But I’m not having fish!
Nah, you’re just a bad comedian, and like all bad comedians, get super butthurt when they get told their joke sucked. Would have been moderately funny if you’d actually used the correct satirical publication.
My only mistake was trying to explain it to idiots.
No, your mistake was the bad joke, not being able to take criticism, and raging at people who talk about your lame joke. But feel free to respond for the last word, I won’t read it.
Feel free to assume I’ve interacted with you before, I’m sure that helps lol.
EDIT: Geez you people don’t like *bad* jokes…
Also fuck you all if you’re trigerred by this.
Lol. Lmao even.
Lol, ok.
Wheels and something to spin the chassis = get wrecked nerd (and also arena, nerd)
It’s so satisfying watching the spinner bots fucking launch a wedge bot across the arena.
Also when they fuck up and launch themselves across the arena accidentally.
It absolutely can. If you are accessing a server that is farther away, it has to traverse more distance on the wire and it takes more routers to pass the packets. The more hops you have, the more latency you have, especially if you get routed through a slower or overly congested link. All of that factors into the tcp window size, which can affect the transcode quality you receive.
I’ll put a wind chime on my car so I always know what direction the wind is blowing. No hurricane is going to sneak up on me!
Cooking in electric is fine, just different. I had an exposed coil stove for a while which was passable, but my glass top coil range is rather good. I grew up on gas and honestly my only complaint about electric is a bit slower heating time and it doesn’t react as fast as I’d like, but it’s not nearly as bad as people like to claim.
The bigger headline is “Skype hasn’t been dead this whole time”
Maybe just maybe, people are ok with gore/porn when they’re expecting it, but don’t like seeing it when they’re not?
I don’t use meta garbage and have been on the Internet long enough that I regularly saw gore videos as a teen because I hung out on 4chins all the time. I’m not averse to gore, but I still don’t want to randomly see that shit in my feeds.
Also, well adjusted people generally don’t feel good when they randomly see gore and shit…
They’re saying that a defendant can be convicted with minimal or circumstantial evidence. Because, much like they can decide the law shouldn’t apply when they think the defendant did it, they can decide the defendant is guilty even if the evidence doesn’t say that.
It’s not an A
“Better to be king of the ash pile than have to listen to Tom in accounting talk about his goddamned shitheap of a boat again on Monday.”