Oh come on!
If you have it, show it. Dump it everywhere so that Elmo and Cheeto can go to jail where they belong already!
They were going to release that evidence too but then they forgave, and then they forgot.
Why even warn, just release it. Good people would just release it and not do all this warning bullshit
If I had the skills to get my hands on hard evidence that Musk tampered with the election, I would spend every waking second determining how to disseminate that information as widely, fool-proofly, and anonymously as possible. Packages to every single news outlet in the goddamn world.
Something tells me they do not, in fact, have evidence.
Pretty sure anonymous is an American psy-op / controlled opposition. I really cant imagine how a hacker group gets this kind of info or mainstream attention without that kind of support.
How come only anonymous gets on public tv and gets headlines in public media, and youtube videos with millions of views not being taken down or censored?
Why is it only anonymous getting this treatment?
They are part of the same old machinery, same as Trump and Musk and the media and the government… Its controlled opposition, for clicks, profits and making us feel there is someone out there in the public spotlight fighting for the peasants. There isnt.
Think of “Anonymous” as just a mask, as in there is no real defined or persistent group between movements or ‘attacks’. It’s just a hat that gets passed/thrown around.
My experience tells me that the ones currently posing as this iteration are just a bunch of people with various levels of computer experience/skill who met on some darkweb channel and decided to pool their resources.
Whether or not there is proof is unknown, but it’s a possibility, which could sow seeds of distrust/discontent into more of the population.
And here I was only thinking of them as the kind of internet goblins that make up shit about pizza shop basements for fun
It’s literally a name that anyone can use. Most of the original group that hacked Sony among others aren’t active as they did time or caught charges.
It isn’t a group or anything.
If anyone tells you that they’re part of Anonymous they’re outing themselves as a liar.
Especially, like this instance, where the message is being blasted all over social media. There’s no evidence.
During Occupy Wall Street, the groups using Anonymous posted dumps of exploited sites or links to defaced web sites. That’s why you heard about them.
This is bullshit “trust me bro” election conspiracy nonsense. It’s a move from the exact same playbook of lies that was used after Trump lost.
This is just pure misinformation, there’s zero information included in this. It only exists to create the appearance that there’s something there.
This is just the Big Lie. The only difference is that the people pushing this narrative (who is left as an exercise for the reader) are now targeting the left with EXACTLY the same tactics.
Call this bs out when you see it. Take your information operations elsewhere, we don’t want you here.
our entire political system has been corrupted by money long ago. The only thing that makes sense is our presidential elections at the very least, are entirely fraudulent and rigged and that was one of half truths trump told. Not because he wanted to save democratic ideals but because he was throwing a tantrum that 2020 wasn’t handed to him by the wall street military and prison industry profiteer insiders who call the shots. Trump has no problem with elections being rigged so long as he is the one benefiting.
What makes people naively believe that our electoral processes have not been corrupted in the same exact way as every other aspect of our political snd economic system?? Some delusional belief in American democratic exceptionalism?
In germany their highest court decided that electronic voting is unconstitutional because it is impossible to differentiate between fraudulent results and legitimate ones for laypeople/anyone who isnt a cybersecurity or IT expert.
Both parties are fascist albeit to differing degrees but both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascist regimes. The one trait they can claim plausible deniability in regards to is fraudulent elections. But if our corporate owned leaders have allowed our society to disintegrate to fascism 93% of the way then its pretty illogical to believe they would stop short and work diligently to prevent the last 7% from reaching that point.
There is the Princeton study done within the lasy 2 decades that concluded the amount of influence one has on our political system and any legislated policy is directly proportional to the amount of wealth you have with regular working class people having a statistically near zero irrelevant amount of influence on any policy regardless of how popular or unpopular it may be. Since lewis f powell’s pro corporate supreme court decisions paved the way for citizens united and the erosion of our constitutional republic and its comprising democratic elements it has now become apparent for anyone paying attention that every aspect of our political system is for sale to the highest bidder and most likely the reality is that our presidential elections are rigged and have been since at least reagan. But even before then there was likely corruption involved since it is pretty much a historical fact that jfk won the presidency in no small part due to a backroom deal his father made with the mafia because of the connections he had made during his time establishing a bootleging empire during prohibition.
Right? All they ever do is issue warnings.
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Until I see this “evidence” uploaded to Wikileaks and sent to nearly every major news outlet im going to assume it in fact does not exist
News outlets are too busy fondling Trump’s balls. There were a bunch of bomb threats in swing states on election Day.
Ethan Shao Tran who now works for Doge previously won 2020 hackathon and developed an app called ballotproof which is an AI powered ballot reading app that people looked at while it was still available, and it had a generative script.
It is thought that Elon used all the names he paid $100 to and submitted ballots in their name.
Nothing is proven, but the election truth alliance has a strong case and is trying to fund hand recounts for transparency’s sake. Everyone should support that. The data set for swing states looks completely different than non swing states, and looks almost identical to Putin’s referendum election in Russia.
Someone already found evidence, please just release it.
Please oh fucking please let this be legit. Oh man, this would be fantastic if true.
let this be legit.
But then what, if so?
Well in theory it should void the election and throw that orange fascist rapist in jail.
I’m convinced they could release it and nothing would happen.
It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. Not a damn thing is going to be done about it and likely would be used to make other elections be subject to the same attack.
Ye Olde Reminder that US elections have been rigged for a very long time now:
https://www.gregpalast.com/trump-lost-vote-suppression-won/is there a link just to the video without that guy commenting?
Ok, so ELI5…let’s say this is true and there was widespread election fraud (duh),what is going to be done about it now that is outside of the “traditional” American legal and political systems since they don’t care about those?
Jesus, ads, begging for clicks, constantly interrupting to spew uninformed opinions.
I’d love to watch the Anonymous video, but this channel sucks.
Thank you for saving me the click!
Rigging an election would require thousands of people working in secret. This isn’t likely to be true.