Oh! Like “we with you” and “we not you” ?
Oh! Like “we with you” and “we not you” ?
fun how you didn’t respond to a single one of my points. because you can’t.
I stopped reading almost at ‘full stop’. I really stopped at ‘literally’. At that point I’m making too many assumptions and it’s nothing I can touch objectively.
He did about 4 walls of text after, and it sounds like you went down some serious rabbit holes. So you think you may have drifted a little into the paranoid ‘othering’ lane?
Anyway, cut him some slack and try with someone else. Next time for sure!
That makes logical sense, but what about the numbers? They can’t go up if we keep spending the money we promised to spend on the 69th most effective and absolutely most expensive healthcare system in the world. What is this, an essential service? Rubes.
I went to a bar in Nanaimo once. It was the Tally-ho. It was really divey when I was there. But it was that or go back to Cedar and hang out, and there was NOTHING to do in Cedar.
The baked treat is wayyyy better. Har har.
But it’s true – we’ve acquired a lot of different foods from people as they moved here, without a real image of our own. At least we can create mishmash of cultures and pick and choose some winners.
I guess someone’s gonna have to barbecue a gooeyduck street-side and call it iconic. I’m at a loss
mashed Swedes
what is a ‘mashed Swede’?
the american word is rutabaga
Ah! It’s called ‘swede’ because it’s short for ‘swedish turnip’! I’ve never heard it called that. It was a complete surprise (and my nephews are Swedes, so…) ;-)
I’ve never heard it called Rutabaga either. We call it just ‘turnip’, and up to this moment I never knew what a Rutabaga tasted like, despite having turnip just the other day. Wow! So it’s a Yank word?
My dad would make mashed turnip with a little nutmeg or cinnamon. It was awesome.
Anyway, I’m learning SO MUCH today. Thanks!
I use both daily.
It’s sad that Skype is more reliable and usable.
Mike drop
Poor Mike. Was he holding the mic?
A dear friend of mine immigrated from the UK and was disappointed to find the actual state of America 10 years ago didn’t match what they see on TV sets; that crime and homelessness and grimy dirty streets is a thing.
This is a smart, capable adult with a fine education - streets and books - and the ability to reason quickly and sharply. And still he fell for it.
America exports an image packaged better than any Ghirardelli box. There will still be many people experiencing the ‘paris’ effect for years to come.
Ah okay. But that spreads the worry without diluting it. Are the people who didn’t check the box “don’t drown the pilot” on the raptor q/a form also now on the fluffy-Amy team? What kind of drunken shenanigans can we anticipate?
Colour + noun:
Ouch. Definitely not all of it.
Did you mean alternate? I’d expect ‘alienate’ by context, but I’m willing to be corrected, for sure.
My country swears to the crown and not the wearer. That’s why I’m still sworn despite the Queen’s passing.
Even my current oath as part of some contract work is to the region and not the [governor], and so long as not ordered otherwise by the crown. It’s two layers of office-not-officer.
… And transfusions sourced from young donors, so it’s a wash.
Yep. My mom wants to see hanuama bay once more while she can still travel. #reasons. Remembrance.
We can’t go while it’s under Trump, so we wait until the US stops being weird or until the Kingdom tries to secede. She won’t go before then.
The odds aren’t good, but we’re hoping she’ll still be good to go then; and know she did.
Man, fuck Trump and his merry band of dirt-bags.
We don’t so much advertise when we’re coming. Also, as per tradition, we’re usually drunk the whole time. It’s a whole thing.
I could imagine that all day.
edit: It’s telling that someone downvoted me expressing interest in food. Don’t ever change, reddit.
mashed Swedes
Tell me, Dr Hannibal Lecter: what is a ‘mashed Swede’?
#MyFaceWhen my best ‘project paperclip but in Canada’ joke falls super flat. Ah well.
You can choose to repatriate your workload. People are doing it to save money constantly; now you get to claim it’s for the greater good!