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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2024

  • I am not saying he is never wrong. Im just saying he is one of the better representatives we have. Im very far left and i regularly describe my political ideology as saying i’m so far left I make Bernie Sanders look like Newt Geingrich. But I would have been much happier with our society if we just got finished with 2 terms of a Sanders administration as opposed to the garbage we were stuck with because of the billionaire wall street military and prison industry profiteer owned neo liberal DNC’s deliberate self sabotage. But we still have to listen to delulu neo liberal democrat party supporters falling in line and blaming voters/ ignoring the reality wven thiugh the democrats chose to move further to the right and court republicans even accepting endorsements from the Cheney and bush families. They will do anything to ignore the reality that our presidential elections are most definitely rigged by financial influence just like the rest of our political system. FDR was somewhat slightly fascist aligned but he was the best president our country has ever had. And we can see that sanders is also flawed in similar ways but sometimes we have to weigh the pros and cons. Im not saying vote for the lesser of tw evils but rather that sometimes the good ideas and policies a candidate has can outweigh the negative aspects of their record/ political platform/ideology.

  • Unfortunately sanders is one of our better actors within the institution. Many leftists would have been happy and welcoming of a sanders administration for 2 terms. FDR was also partially aligned with fascists but as far as presidential administrations go he did the most for the working class that anyone ever did(thankfully he was elected for 4 terms) sanders however flawed he may be would have been as close to a new age fdr as we were ever going tk get and this is why the dnc shot themselves in the foot and disgraced their electorate. The democratic party is a center right party so yes bernie sanders is a little too close to center to be a real leftist and he compromises too much with centrists and conservatives but this is the only way to get things done within a partisan class dictatorship we have.

    But since the dnc made it clear they would rather move to the right and attempt to court conservative voters rather than move even a centimeter to the left they made it crystal clear the only way to remedy the rot and corruption of corporatist control in our political system is a full on revolution/ class war which has been waged against the working class for the last 5-6 decades at least.

  • Neo liberals are sabotaging themselves and everyone else by blaming voters for not getting behind tepid astro turfed right leaning centrist corporatism.

    You all need to wake up and realize our presidential elections are likely just as compromised by money as the rest of our political system. There are 14 traits of fascism and both parties blatantly exhibit 13 of those traits with fraudulent elections being the only trait they can claim the corruption of is plausible deniable. All you thinking that the ideals of democracy haven’t been corrupted to the same point everything else has because of hurrrr durrrr democracy and “murican eyedeeeuhhhlissum” are living in an idealistic delusion. The system has proven it will not be remedied through its own mechanisms and that those with power have subverted those very mechanisms to prevent any meaningful change which means the only way forward is revolution.

    Neo liberal western democracy vehemently opposes economic democracy and any movement to the left. This makes it completely undemocratic and an ultimate defacto class dictatorship. But cleverly disguised pr masquerading as unbiased journalism owned by wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires have convinced you the house isn’t actively burning when it obviously is.

  • They are desperately obvious and its cringe. They were in full blast damage control censorship mode even before december 4th. I was VPN banned last summer just for saying that occupied indigenous people have a right to resist occupation by any means necessary as per international law in regards to palestine and IsNoTreal. So far ive jot been able to evade the ban even with a vpn. Wall street military and prison industry profiteers have become too confident and comfortable.

  • What we need is a revolution.

    Can you even define fascism? Because i can and it exists within the democratic party as well.

    Get bent is the typical neo liberal response because the typical neo liberal response is to blame the working class and people advocating for real change By challenging the tired class dictatorship they want to enforce regardless of the consequences.

    So ill ask you again, who is to blame?

    Those in positions of power who waste countless resources on political advertisement campaigms smearing and sabotaging candidates that are popular and did offer a real solution to fight fascism

    Or the people who participate in a flawed democracy that has made it clear countless times it does jot respect the opinions or the ideologies of the working class and poor.

    There are 14 main traits that define fascism. It can be simplified as the amalgamation of corporate and political power. But of the 14 traits the only one that those in power can claim plausible deniability of its existence are fraudulent elections. But its obvious that money controls our entire socio political system and those with capital will can and do whatever they can to maintain control so it is naive to believe that our votes do anything to affect the outcome of our presidential elections. In Germany they have deemed electronic voting to be unconstitutional because it is impossible yo differentiate fraudulent results from legitimate ones for people who are not cyber security / IT experts.

    So its obvious our government was corrupted by money ling before trump. But neo libs keep preaching ballot box revolution/ reform is possible(this is delusional) when both parties exhibit 13 of 14 traits of fascism blatantly (93%) it isnt just naive to think out elections are sacred and still have integrity because of Hurrr Durrr Democracy! And ‘Murican Eyedeeuhlisumm! Its fucking stupidity and ridiculousness manifest.

    You need to realize the time has come for you to put your big boy pants on and accept the reality. That our democracy isnt just broken, it doesn’t function and is a complete farcical fraud. The system is broken and will not allow self remediation through the processes of a broken system. We have come to the point in time where the only way to fix things is revolution. Ignoring this is stupidity manifest. Naive ballot box reform is not just impossible it is antithetical to the nature of the system that has evolved over time through the corruption of the ultra wealthy whom have been waging an obvious class war against us for the last 5-6 decades at least.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Joe Biden's fault"
    4 days ago

    Ukraine is a western vassal state. We are fighting this war and using clever propaganda to convince Americans that democracy is at stake meanwhile we dont have democracy in the usa. We have class dictatorship. America has done the same thing to every country since the 60’s. Impose western imperialist dominance through force regardless of what the citizens of that country want, we poked the bear till the Berlin wall fell then took control of ukraine and looted it for wall street profits. Now we want to hold onto Ukraine at all costs for the sake of resource and trade route control while absorbing ukraine into NATO so we can put strateginc nuclear strike capability even closer to russia. So western aggression / posturing and foreign policy is the cause of this conflict which will become world war 3 regardless of who fired the first shot (wars today are foughy via insurgency, manipulation espionage and economic sanctions so the truth is battlefield violence was not the first shot fired in the ukraine/russia (west/east) conflict.

    America has been dead long before this election. You just believe the propaganda of billionaires who are laughing behind the scenes while they manufacture your consent and rape your wallet There is no left party in the us and this is a result of that.

    And the support of the Ukraine conflict and Palestinian autonomy are ideologies that are diametrically opposed. Neo liberals are on some serious copium.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.eetoComic Strips@lemmy.world"Joe Biden's fault"
    4 days ago

    “Get bent” typical neo liberal response. Instead of realizing leftists are right and have been right since the DNC subverted democracy the first time in 2016 you just point the finger at people who wont get in line and support decrepit status quo centrism. At a time when its not even worth having a job anymore and rent prices for a 1 bedroom apartment take up 60-75% of the wages that 2/3 of millennials and gen z earn thinking that voting for a party that ignores these issues is what america needs is just ignorant. The system has made it obviously clear it will not allow remedy through its own mechanisms so we are at an impasse and the only way to fix things is now obviously mass organized political 🎻 🎻 / revolution. Those whoare too comfortable or too brainwashed to stop participating in a society that have failed them need to wake up and pull their head out of the sand. Doing what you and or your parents have done since this started with reagan (it started during nixon but there was far more resistance in the late 60’s/early 70’s than there is now) is not going to get any different results and believing it will is just peak neo liberal delusion. So you all need to swallow your pride and come to the conclusion that we are right. The dnc is funded and controlled by the same corporate wall street military and prison industry profiteering billionaires that fund and control the right wing MAGA politicians. They refuse to move left and instead lick the boot of blatantly fascist campaigns since fascism doesnt threaten capital and that is preferential to them.

    Do some reading and figure it out. Neo liberal Western democracy is inherently opposed to economic democracy and this means that it is not democratic in any way and is in fact a class dictatorship.

  • Neo liberals have their head so far up their ass they don’t understand that a party that pretends to be the good guys while still enforcing a racially prejudiced war on drugs to bolster a militarized police state and send mostly poor brown people into modern concentration/forced slave labor camps is defacto fascist. The American democratic party in any other developed country is considered a center right party. Leftism (the true antithesis of fascism)in the usa is vehemently suppressed by the party cosplaying as leftists. When the citizens ask for fair wages fair housing fair anything resembling economic democracy they are shit on and told to go fuck themselves by both parties the dems just wave a pride flag and post #BLM while they do it because their expensive PR firm consultants tell them it looks good