Despite English being my native language, I grew up speaking Spanish and my English isn’t that good. I constantly forget the meanings of phrases or don’t understand them.
I have a sister named Lena (14F). Her on-again, off-again “friend” Ashlyn(14F) received a note on her locker reading “HANG DEAD” and showed people, including Lena. Is this a threat to hang herself or something?
In this context, do you think it means “I will kill you by hanging”? How would you use “hang dead” in a sentence?
A judicial sentence might read that one is to be hung until “dead, dead, dead”. That’s all I got.
“We’re gonna catch that dirty, rotten, cattle-thieving S.O.B. and he’ll hang dead for what he done!”
thanks!! if used with just “hang dead”, is it telling someone to hang dead??