LOL no they are not. 97% of the users don’t give a fuck about any of this and will never leave. Reddit can ride it out just fine. For example, look at the cesspool FB turned into.
LOL no they are not. 97% of the users don’t give a fuck about any of this and will never leave. Reddit can ride it out just fine. For example, look at the cesspool FB turned into.
Yes, Tesla’s safety record is horseshit, but:
They immolate people per vehicle sold than the ford pinto.
The report is that Teslas have the potential over time to be worse. 27 people died by fire in Pintos due to gas tank failure, pretty slim numerator vs. the denominator of millions sold, but it was made out to be a big deal at the time. I remember, I was there.
Unless that singer was Prince! On top of his other talents, he could play 20 instruments.
You write code, I can tell.
She thinks the measles are like chicken pox, pretty much harmless to young ones. My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, that’s just how it was done before we had a chicken pox vaccine. Finally got it at 16, still have the scars nearly 40-years later. But I got my shingles vax!
She’s literally this stupid. Some things we see these nuts try to pull off make sense, from an evil point of view. This move is plain stupid, and because we’ve forgotten what measles are people will listen.
BTW, I’m 54 and just now learning what measles are and how bad it can be. I had no clue, because I’ve never met anyone that had it.
GenX here. That’s exactly how I saw it evolve, though I’d say “normal” started around 2000-05 or so.
He said nothing of the sort.
“I like taking the guns early,” Trump said during a televised meeting on gun laws at the White House on Wednesday. “To go to court would have taken a long time.”
Say that to a supporter, but pretend Biden said it. I’ve popped a couple of heads off with that trick!
We don’t have power as “consumers”.
If even 10% of consumers “bought” like I do the economy would suffer greatly. Almost everything I acquire was trash, recycled, repurposed, used, etc. I could show someone around my house and property for 2 solid hours showing off all the deals I got or created.
Just in the last week I’ve found in my hood:
I was building stuff yesterday with culled lumber from the hardware store, $50 for $1,400 worth. When I got home I helped my wife with a sweet curio cabinet she got for $35. LOL, it’s huge!
tl;dr: I find it weird that people just go out and buy stuff new when there’s so much free/cheap/used goods to be had.
Great post! And I can see the point of most of that take.
My riposte, which I bring up frequently, is that a smart capitalist isn’t going to invest in American factories, knowing damned well they’ll be left holding the bag on a multi-million dollar facility when the tariffs drop.
That’s not even mentioning the employment costs, which are far more than most on lemmy understand. tl;dr: If I’m paying you $15hr., it’s costing me $30hr.
Every civilization rises and falls. We’re on the down slope ATM. Sorry. The 80s and 90s were pretty nice in America!
I pick up trash on the trails, creeks and rivers. All my outdoor bags are pre-loaded with rolled up grocery bags. I’m almost always alone, but the lengths I’ll go to to snatch a beer can drives my wife and kids a little nuts.
One time we stopped the canoe under a railroad trestle and the kids saw all the garbage.
“Daddy! Don’t go get all that!” LOL, like it would have fit onboard.
My wife seems to have had a change of heart. Last time we were on the creek she kept pointing out possible litter.
“What is this? Go there.” (Her English is a little strange.)
diatomaceous earth
Kinda hard on the fuckers when their exoskeleton is being ground to paste. Evolve THAT!
A thing to think on from one of my favorite authors, and favorite characters, is sorta tangential to your predicament. Granny is talking religion with a priest about good and evil.
Granny Weatherwax: “There’s no grays, only white that’s got grubby. I’m surprised you don’t know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.”
Mightily Oats: “It’s a lot more complicated than that–”
GW: “No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts.”
MO: “Oh, I’m sure there are worse crimes–”
GW: “But they starts with thinking about people as things…”
Is your friend a “thing”? No? Maybe he deserves a sit-down talk.
Fuckin’ A! Two fingers of unleaded in a pickle jar, stuff it in there. You can fit a whole TV worth of packing in a quart jar.
PRO TIP: Dry in the sun on an old cookie sheet, cut up with scissors, pack it out.
I’ll never stop laughing when Tony Stark treats Musk as a nobody.
Iron Man II, "Yeah. Later. Blown. Off. Bet Musk is still proud of that cameo.
Don’t have a working stereo in my 22-yo truck or 23-yo car. Bluetooth speaker it is!
(I don’t generally listen to anything driving. I like to chill and think about life. Which ain’t always the wise move.)
On the money. The Democrats don’t have an effective propaganda machine. FFS, look what Fox News and the Russian meme machine has done to us. So, where’s the liberal machine? 🦗🦗🦗
Don’t have fat reserves though. I’m 5’8" and 145lbs, with boots on, if I’m wet.
No issue with electrolytes, I practically shoot salt in my veins. Very nice when I’m sweating!
Hard boiled eggs are a perfect idea! Just what I was looking for.
Used psyllium husk when I was sitting on my ass. And speaking of my ass, it seems to be adjusting to actually moving my guts around.
Man, I feel you. I’m an “adjusted” alcoholic, light beer only, lots of it, never get a hangover, still need it. Couple of jobs back I was stressed as hell, didn’t realize, suffered gut problems constantly, thought it was the booze. Nope, just stress.
Been thinking on hitting the gummies. Just a puff or two and I’m done with the beer for the night. Can’t smoke anymore, too much damage from cigs.
/r/liberalgunowners was a favorite. Everyone was so nice and accepting. We’d answer the same noob questions all day, no problem. None of “MuH 2A!” crap, nobody bloodthirsty. Anyway, I could go on, but it was nice while it lasted.