Growing up in the Midwest of America I took AC for granted. Pretty much every home and shop had AC, and if it didn’t there were at least window units. Moving to the Pacific Northwest with a more mild climate almost no one had AC, and it’s just normal not to have it.
Until the heatwave a few years ago that melted power lines I didn’t care, but I realized it was a safety issue and had a heat pump installed. That’s when I realized it’s a luxury. Almost $10,000 to get it integrated with my existing HVAC.
It’s wild, it’s definitely a luxury that most people just assume is normal. You have to go somewhere that doesn’t have it to truly appreciate what it does and how much it costs.
Air conditioning, indoor and safe plumbing/water supply, Internet to name a few
Growing up in the Midwest of America I took AC for granted. Pretty much every home and shop had AC, and if it didn’t there were at least window units. Moving to the Pacific Northwest with a more mild climate almost no one had AC, and it’s just normal not to have it.
Until the heatwave a few years ago that melted power lines I didn’t care, but I realized it was a safety issue and had a heat pump installed. That’s when I realized it’s a luxury. Almost $10,000 to get it integrated with my existing HVAC.
It’s wild, it’s definitely a luxury that most people just assume is normal. You have to go somewhere that doesn’t have it to truly appreciate what it does and how much it costs.