This should be a tshirt
This should be a tshirt
Wet bulb heh
It makes the most deightful sound when you chuck it and it strikes someone. Its the audio equivalent of a giant “fuck you!” Lol
Motion sensor bombs setup in a sequence and ray gun to help ease enemy into them. Its all about the process and journey of easing them home
I dont think people impose so much as believe people who end up with children are often irresponsible or have selfish reasons to use their children for their own profit or other selfish ego-based reasons.
Enough people have the 18 and your out on your ass into the orphan crushing machine attitude which is not great either. Life is fucking hard and ir sucks that people with no parenting skills or empathy are the ones who tend to throw caution to the wind and do whateve they want all the time
Hes the epi-tome of lady doth protesting too much
Root them out of all their little hidey hidey holes
Ya just let him know you’re not spending your time and mental energy on that stuff. Stop talking to him on the phone or let him know that as soon as things are falling off course into that stuff, you gotta go and take a break from him for a few weeks.
Eventually he will get the message but if its still a problem after that, might need to go no contact to demonstrate you’re serious
If you live with them it could be tricky but let them know you will not be talking politics or any kind of emotionally charged topic with them going forward. Lets keep it light and stick to the things we agree on and leave everything else at the door. Avoid talking about them or saying you or sounding accusatory to minimize defensiveness, just let them know these topics and conversations are not how you want to use your time and energy and thinking anymore.
If they start trying to drag you into a forbidden topic, simply let them know you are heading off to do something since you dont have anything to add or contribute to topics that you are uncomfortable with like you mentioned to them before.
Start with this and let us know if they bite. I’ve got some other ideas but start with this and see how it goes. At the end of the day, engaging in these kinds of discussions over and rehashed constantly is damaging and pointless so the key is transcending them by not participating in them or feeding the wrong wolf. Be polite and respectful but also assertive that you will not be dealing with these topics any longer
More like dipping his balls to test the waters. If they boil the tea’s ready
Its not as good tho, its a bit too litera
Nacho keys… Nacho money Nacho mom
Accidentally or for some of them sweet, sweet sympathyUpvotes
Thanks for using kagi as a verb 😅 Very good, carry on
It should honestly be a binding contract in some way. Like if I say I’m not doing Project 25, but I actually start implementing project 25, I should be recalled and an election takes place again with me disqualified
Asking about now tho, as long as jailed is the first in the order of sequence its cool
Thats how we get there.
Everyone should find out political candidates polticial donors and make them into nascar tshirts so we can all inform each other