Everybody needs that humbling experince when you spar with someone thats an actual boxer and youre dying while they arent even paying attention.
I watched a old fat conservative man angrily yell at some teens at a strip mall and he got winded after yelling.
Having punched someone in the nose before, it’s way more painful to yourself than you’d think. My knuckles were bruised and then I cried because of all the adrenaline so really, 0/10 would not recommend unless you have a very good reason.
The only self-defense training that I had emphasized that you smash an assailant’s nose with the palm/heel of your hand, in an upward motion from below. Never having practiced, I very much doubt I could execute that move in a real confrontation.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, or, “Why boxing does more brain damage when they wear gloves.”
It’s true: I was attacked by a road-rager a couple of months ago, and I surprised myself by being unwilling to hit the guy back even after he punched me in the face, for fear of further escalation. Not gonna lie: I was more disappointed than proud of myself, even though I’m pretty sure I made the more responsible decision.
I was also surprised that it didn’t hurt nearly as much as I expected. Maybe the other guy was 4000% less effective than he imagined too, LOL.
if someone approaches your drivers door, turn the wheel all the way to the right, (or left for rhd) put the car in reverse, let them open the door and oopsie your foot slipped off the brake and hit the gas.
Honestly it sounds like you made the right decision. As long as the guy wasn’t causing you much harm, sounds like nothing lost other than a bit of pride. Had you escalated it, who knows what would have happened.
Male faces are evolved to handle getting hit. Also your adrenaline would have caused you to barely feel anything in the moment.
Edit: this is what I remembered reading about this, turns out it was ten years ago: https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/men-s-faces-evolved-to-be-punched-study-suggests-1.2670756
That study has an insane jump to conclusion considering that they just studied
1 The skulls of early hominins — human relatives — called australopiths that lived around four million years ago. 2 The injuries of modern humans who show up in the hospital emergency room after a fight.
I do like the idea that the reason we evolved to humans and not a different species is because we made a fight club.
If it’s a legitimate fight, the male body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down. /s
Shit, even the couch wins if I kick it with just a bit of force.
Chances are good that I will hurt myself somehow.
…we found that in the event of an actual violent altercation, most adult men would almost certainly injure themselves far worse than any assailant
Yup, that tracks.
People that have never punched a face can’t be ready for what it is actually like. My ring-finger has a 2in scar down to the bone just from teeth on a glancing hit. Getting stitched up later, when they found out it was from a human mouth they said they really had to deep clean it…as in pull it apart and SCRUB IT, before suturing the wound.
Luckily I’m not average 😏
So 6000% less effective
Only 4 inches, eh?
short king
lol, that’s impossibly big