Little did OP know that while they were watching this strange performance unfold, the other guy was sneaking up behind OP and stole their wallet.
Little did OP know that while they were watching this strange performance unfold, the other guy was sneaking up behind OP and stole their wallet.
It is. But maybe it’s exactly what’s needed.
I don’t know. This timeline got so fucked up I don’t know how anything works anymore.
Either it was an accident and wasn’t at fault at all. Or it was a coordinated stunt and Justin owns 50% of it, if other production people weren’t also in on it.
But Janet got shit on because she’s a woman and black and Justin somehow walked away unscathed for decades. Fucked up.
It wasn’t that long ago that the world almost ground to a halt because some people saw Janet Jackson’s breast.
Now we have this, and there will be zero consequences.
(Engage old fart mode)
It wasn’t that long ago that Tim Hortons restaurants baked their own donuts in house. Fresh all the time. It was their draw.
Fast forward and they truck in everything frozen from a manufacturing plant. Things aren’t made there anymore - they’re thawed and assembled. And it tastes like it.
They used to be legendary for their coffee, but a few years ago they let their agreement with their coffee supplier to lapse. McDonald’s scooped it right up which suddenly put McCafe on the map. Tim’s found a new supplier but the coffee wasn’t nearly as good.
Aren’t a bunch of their franchises also under investigation for Temporary Foreign Worker program abuse?
It’s just been death by a thousand really stupid cuts.
The party has been a mess. Perhaps “not NDP” isn’t enough of a foundation for a party. Maybe we need some principled people to step out of it.
Uh oh. I never like where the conversation is going when the word “values” starts getting slung around.
Ohhhhh. Now I get it. The BC Conservatives aren’t conservative enough for this lot. And I naively thought they were leaning towards being less shitty.