Just a little reminder.
Pisses me off to no end that they use the Canadian identity for marketing when they sold out decades ago.
Also their coffee and food has been shit for a long time too, coincidence? I think not.
(Engage old fart mode)
It wasn’t that long ago that Tim Hortons restaurants baked their own donuts in house. Fresh all the time. It was their draw.
Fast forward and they truck in everything frozen from a manufacturing plant. Things aren’t made there anymore - they’re thawed and assembled. And it tastes like it.
They used to be legendary for their coffee, but a few years ago they let their agreement with their coffee supplier to lapse. McDonald’s scooped it right up which suddenly put McCafe on the map. Tim’s found a new supplier but the coffee wasn’t nearly as good.
Aren’t a bunch of their franchises also under investigation for Temporary Foreign Worker program abuse?
It’s just been death by a thousand really stupid cuts.
I never cared for Tim Horton’s coffee, so I didn’t mind the change.
Most people don’t really drink coffee they drink coffee flavoured cream and sugar. This is why the Starbucks milk drinks are so popular. The quality of the underlying coffee is less important when you double double everything.
Yeah, I had Mink reverse press coffee. It is amazing, and adding milk or cream hides the amazing flavour. Technically they are a chocolatier.