Kind of when fent was just getting going. Funny enough if you bought on silk road you were highly likely to get legit product. Shutting it down no doubt caused deaths from OD when people started buying off the street
Kind of when fent was just getting going. Funny enough if you bought on silk road you were highly likely to get legit product. Shutting it down no doubt caused deaths from OD when people started buying off the street
I try not to watch these, I definitely don’t watch the ones where they’re dropping grenades on dudes. This one really hit different. Dude is out there in the smoke and the darkness, being fired on, casually talking. A UAV bomb explodes and he doesn’t yell, or even flinch. I wonder how long he’s been on the front line.
May this war end soon with Ukraine victorious.
Still sucks, because I believe the idea was to hold the territory long enough to exchange it for the parts of Ukraine stolen by Russia during peace negotiations. Amazing the brave fighters have held out so long.
I misread the title as South Africa so at first I was like what the fuck are you even talking about.
Actual answer: slavery, the civil war, then segregation, then Jim Crow, then redlining, and through all of it slave labor through prisons that disproportionately hold black people. All these things create generational poverty as well. Now it is seen in the attacks on woke and DEI. The United States is profoundly racist.
I worry that Canada will not be able to export efficiently due to lack of port infrastructure, especially on the Pacific Coast. Massive industrial ports are expensive and take years to bring online.
As I saw someone link yesterday, John Bolton (noted warmongering piece of shit) said he was in the room during Trump round one when people were trying to explain tariffs to him. Bolton says he was unable to comprehend.
Are you new to separate taps? I’m assuming you mean one hot one cold. I turn on hot halfway then turn on cold like a quarter of that. Then mess with the cold only from there Hope that helps!
automatic weapons
Semi-automatic. Not trying to be a dick and I love that Canadians are seeing the threat and arming up. Just want to help with the terminology. Enjoy shooting!
Yeah, ahead of its time, but side talking was so silly. I’m going to take a stab and say OP is talking about the people who put their phone on speaker and hold it like it’s a bagel they’re about to bite.
So what makes the ending in the church alternate reality? And if so why wasn’t the ending of the show in the “main” reality? Granted I pirated this show as it came out and watched with my wife so I don’t remember a lot.
I’m one of those people who thinks the ending is simply wow, they were dead the whole time. Which is what I had been saying since like episode two or three of the first season. And having it in a church just ain’t cool after what they’ve seen in their (after)lives.
A month ago medium avocados were $0.59 at my local Kroger. Less than two weeks ago they’d gone up to $2.59. I don’t know if this has anything to do with the tariff threat since they all come from Mexico. I bought six on the first trip, zero on the second. I’ll have to cut out avocados, already done with eggs.
I tried to take a linguistics class in college and I just couldn’t internalize these characters. It was very difficult for me and I respect people who can.
I mean look at all the fake-ass christians infecting the world, is it so hard to believe that there are plenty of fake-ass muslims too? I was friends with a Palestinian/Jordanian guy and he told me it was commonplace in Jordan to have a group of men drinking tea at a cafe, except the tea pot was full of liquor. I don’t know if it was meant to hide it from other people, hide it from god, or both.
A shitload of people are being fired from the government, I imagine plenty of them would be worthwhile replacements. It’s just that training takes time. I was working as the employee for a contractor in IT/infrastructure to a global giant up until a month ago.
My former co-workers talk to me regularly, they are getting screwed without me. Yet the company won’t call me up because pride. They wanted me to come back as an independent contractor at a lower wage. I won’t because pride. It’s fun. I gotta get a job soon though.
Right now they are paying two people a bit more than half what I was getting and they are fucking shit up because there’s no real training, let alone apprenticeship. Sink or swim.
The one he’s been using as a human shield lately is literally named X. Somebody called him Xevlar a couple days ago which is pretty funny.
9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.
After my mom divorced my dad, we moved in with her parents because we had no money. The condition was that we had to start going to their extreme, King James Bible is the literal word of god, church. They preached this lesson a lot and it really messed my mom up. Luckily around the time I was 12, and already an atheist, we stopped going.
Remember that lie detectors are absolute bullshit pseudoscience, just like trained drug dogs.
Shudders. Shutters are what people used to have in the US to get through the storms. People thought they were cool so a trend spread. Now almost every house has fake ones. Look on the sides of your windows from outside, ever wonder why that shit was screwed in beside the windows?
Go back to Reddit asshole.
Just go for a walk, it’ll change your whole outlook - two of my friends right now.