9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.
After my mom divorced my dad, we moved in with her parents because we had no money. The condition was that we had to start going to their extreme, King James Bible is the literal word of god, church. They preached this lesson a lot and it really messed my mom up. Luckily around the time I was 12, and already an atheist, we stopped going.
I come from a similar religious background, though my parents very obviously hate each other, never divorced, both constantly trying to get a middle school aged me to take their sides in arguments, traingulating everything, always, all the time, later escalating to trying to force various mental health condition diagnoses on each other and myself via quack doctors and institutions with dubious at best qualifications and track records.
I stopped talking to my family years ago, but if my ability to search through public records is accurate, it looka like my brother, his schizophrenic former FLDS cult member girlfriend and my mom rent and live in a two bed house in a suburb, and my dad lives in a trailerhome 60 miles away out in the sticks.
IE an actual traditional family, as very well defined in the Old Testament / Tanakh.
When you get to the New Testament, you end up with the uberconservative push for making divorce illegal citing Jesus himself.
Matthew 19:3-9
Notice how the presumption here is that only a man can divorce his wife, not the other way around.
The rule of Moses as understood by the Pharisee is that a man can serve a woman divorce papers, and that’s that.
What they can all agree on is women are second class citizens and should be subordinate to men.
Paul is quite famous for not permitting women to speak:
1 Corinthians 14:34
After my mom divorced my dad, we moved in with her parents because we had no money. The condition was that we had to start going to their extreme, King James Bible is the literal word of god, church. They preached this lesson a lot and it really messed my mom up. Luckily around the time I was 12, and already an atheist, we stopped going.
I come from a similar religious background, though my parents very obviously hate each other, never divorced, both constantly trying to get a middle school aged me to take their sides in arguments, traingulating everything, always, all the time, later escalating to trying to force various mental health condition diagnoses on each other and myself via quack doctors and institutions with dubious at best qualifications and track records.
I stopped talking to my family years ago, but if my ability to search through public records is accurate, it looka like my brother, his schizophrenic former FLDS cult member girlfriend and my mom rent and live in a two bed house in a suburb, and my dad lives in a trailerhome 60 miles away out in the sticks.