Just adding this for completion : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini's_law
threats are getting hella veiled
I think you might have just said some ignorant shit by mistake
hah ! amazing. Pieces of shit generation after generation
Sounds amazing ! thanks for the geographical context, I knew about NC but had no idea where to place it
Katrafutra, fluffy flat bread from Comoros (specifically Mayotte). Sauce your Kange (zebu stew) with it and it’s even more delicious.
I am familiar with this way of functioning, but the person above seems to suggests that isn’t always the case
I don’t get your first two, what does putting the toilet lid down achieve ? and why park specifically far away from the store ? is it so that other people get to park closer ? so you can get some exercise ?
I didn’t know that there are ways to donate blood nonymously
I would bet my eyes that he firmly believes in the superiority of his sperm. Eugenics is on par for nazis
I didn’t know mosquitoes enjoyed symbolism. Perhaps I can read them some Baudelaire next time
I related to this movie/character on a personal level. I haven’t been able to fully explain why, maybe that’s the gist of it : it expresses struggles that I haven’t been able to put into words, yet I saw on film so eerily resembling mine
are you fucking sorry ?