• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • Close the sub for the day when you “don’t have enough mods operating today.” Then open mod applications. Accept no one. Just continue until the subreddit bleeds to nothing in a few weeks, as you’ve broken no rules and redditors are impatient

    Edit: and read nothing that you’re sent. Just mark all as read. They will complain loudly. It will spur a reaction that will hinder your plan. Remember your mental health!

  • I’d hesitate to call lemmy users free thinkers or smart. I’m bog standard, at best, and others here are usually about par with me. No, it’s been pretty apparent that they enact change because of pressure from above and outside, leading to constant issues. The company’s leadership is simply incapable of creating anything better.

    They chase money, respect, and trends, in that order, but rarely successfully and even more rarely proactively. They’re a poorly coordinated, reflexive, and myopic behemoth, and have been for a long while. The company’s just too unwieldy for them. But, the intentionality of their mistakes is irrelevant.

    TLDR; The only thing of import is the frequency of their mistakes and my lack of tolerance for them.