Elon is the sort of person to (pay someone) to play universal paperclips and then wonder why they didn’t ask the AI to instead make money.
Lemmy bar? Like an Internet cafe but with lemmy and booze?
2/30 for an ethnic group that comprises 1% of the US population seemed a bit odd. Noticing a minor peculiarity and believing it to be negative are entirely different. What offered you the impression that I would view their ethnicity in a negative light?
Not trying to be racist, but why are such a disproportionate number of the names Indian?
I’d hesitate to call lemmy users free thinkers or smart. I’m bog standard, at best, and others here are usually about par with me. No, it’s been pretty apparent that they enact change because of pressure from above and outside, leading to constant issues. The company’s leadership is simply incapable of creating anything better.
They chase money, respect, and trends, in that order, but rarely successfully and even more rarely proactively. They’re a poorly coordinated, reflexive, and myopic behemoth, and have been for a long while. The company’s just too unwieldy for them. But, the intentionality of their mistakes is irrelevant.
TLDR; The only thing of import is the frequency of their mistakes and my lack of tolerance for them.
banned for upvoting an article from the guardian about the dorito despot
I’m not sure why people still use that website. “Move fast and break things” works out occasionally, but this feels like every decision Reddit has made in the last 10 years. There were some good early choices mixed in with the bad, and denying those would be silly.
Or just ants. Ants ruin plans
Still cost me less than a new printer every two years if they multiplied their prices by 10.
I foresee complications if one is inside the other at the wrong time
After talking to support 15 times, they never suggested replacing anything, and power clean wasn’t enough. I’ve long since destroyed the thing out of malignant rage and turned to libraries and copy shops, but it’s good to know that there might have been a solution.
Depending on the frequency of your printing, they can suck as well. Chronically clogged nozzles are maddening.
Creative liberties?? On my communist Linux forum??? Completely understandable, have a nice day
Is it a phishing attempt? I figured it was drive-by malware or camgirl spam or something
Oh shit, my ranger. And my rogue. And my paladin. And my artificer. And my etc.
I just hate that his kids will campaign on his effectiveness as a leader in like 8-12 years.
It’s fairly common for limited run supercars and meant to dissuade scalpers. Still silly, but there’s precedent
I’m not usually one to agree with trump, but doubling your representation in a single election is a win. An incredibly concerning win, in this case. It bodes poorly.
Excuse me for my English. Approximately one and one half meters. Smaller highs are very ordinary but higher highs scare me
Close the sub for the day when you “don’t have enough mods operating today.” Then open mod applications. Accept no one. Just continue until the subreddit bleeds to nothing in a few weeks, as you’ve broken no rules and redditors are impatient
Edit: and read nothing that you’re sent. Just mark all as read. They will complain loudly. It will spur a reaction that will hinder your plan. Remember your mental health!