So what they said way the contract won’t let them sell within a year. So they got this recently. There’s no way you couldn’t know about Musk being a shit this recently, so fuckem, you gave the Nazi money.
If I was buying something, literally anything, and the people I am buying from make me sign a thing that said I couldn’t sell the thing I am buying for X period of time after buying it, that would be a major red flag to me that perhaps this product is actually a huge piece of shit because they’re already worried I will try to get rid of it within X amount of time.
It’s fairly common for limited run supercars and meant to dissuade scalpers. Still silly, but there’s precedent
i mean, anyone who buys a supercar is kinda inherently a dick
I can help confirm this. I want a super car but I’m too poor.
For a lot of people the only thing holding them back from being dicks sadly is not having too much money.
What if I think it’d be cool to have a supercar, but the only thing holding me back is the money, but I’m not a dick? I just think they’re neat, but in the event that I’d have enough to afford one, I’d probably still go with something practical. I’ll never have that kind of money anyway, so this is all purely hypothetical.
No, if you got the money to buy a super car you’d become a dick. I’ve seen it happen. Metaphorphasis and all.
What the hell kinda fourth-level, back-alley reasoning went into this?
Is it because the only people that can afford supercars are rich (i.e. “dicks”)? Or are you saying anyone who likes supercars is a dick?
i think we found someone who likes supercars and is a bit of a dick!
And what’s your reasoning for that?
that would be you defending people who buy supercars, and being a dick about it at the same time :)
If my not understanding and calling out the opaque calculations that turn “someone liking cool, fast machines” into a “dick” makes me a dick, then sure. Whatever.
I also don’t see how asking about one person’s rationale equates to “defending” another different group of people. But I guess questioning this rationale will make me a double-dick.
If you give me two more questionable statements, I can try to get the echidna before I get bored of this.
Yeah honestly I wish more products had laws like this. Or, actually, the rule should be you can’t sell it at a higher price within a certain time frame, because that’s a better indicator of scalping.
I’ve been wanting to buy one of the B580 GPU’s intel released, but as soon as there’s stock it immediately gets bought out and resold on amazon at a 150$ markup. I can’t think of any other rule that would effectively stop this behavior.
It would have been nice if they had done that with PS5s or concert tickets. It’s less about being forced to keep a crappy item and more about not artificially inflating prices on it (by buying out the stock and reselling).
That argument would make sense if anybody was actually scalping swasticars, but they’re currently piling up and rusting away unsold. They really put the cart before the horse.
Even before the nazi shit buying one of these shitcans was a terrible idea. get fucked.
I do feel sorry for Tesla owners - pre 2025. People bought Teslas in good faith believing this company was heralding green, emissions free vehicles. Which it more or less did. They weren’t expecting the CEO would out himself as a Nazi even if there were clues he was a terrible piece of shit. Being an asshole is one thing but Musk out-Henry Ford’ed Henry Ford.
So if you’re going to discriminate, target >= 2025 owners where this is common knowledge, not those before. That said, the Cybertruck is and was a fucking terrible vehicle and deserves criticism on its own awfulness outside of any political dimension.
I mostly agree, but I’d set the cutoff date sometime around 2023, maybe up until 2024 for someone completely checked out of the Internet and/or Elon’s bullshit. It’s part of why the CT is targeted so much in this way, but not the model 3 or S. There are a lot of people who just wanted an electric vehicle when Tesla looked like one of the more compelling options (mostly due to marketing than actual features/reliability but what can you do about that in hindsight).
He was mask off long before 2025
He threw a car into space in 2018 for the lulz… Dude was nuts long before 2025.
Also elon is not tesla, even if he want you to believe he is. Don’t feel bad if you own an electric car, unless it’s the swasticar.
Elon is not Tesla but Tesla absolutely is Elon. Tesla might be able to survive elon, but if Tesla goes bankrupt, elon will loose a huge chunk of his power. He is the “richest” man only because of incredibly overinflated Tesla stock.
Everything that huts Tesla is good for democracy, freedom and the whole world!
That last part is so dumb. How on earth do you not realize you are buying into a scam pyramid scheme type thing with something like that in the contract.
No one ever accused tesla owners of being smart
A little bit… there’s definitely a few people that bought a Swastikar that didn’t know it was a nazi car. Generally speaking, those people need to pull their heads out of their asses, and perhaps this will serve as a catalyst.
Musk was randomly accusing people of being a pedo YEARS before the cybertruck was released. No sympathy. User error for agreeing to that contract.
Not random people, but people doing a good job and making him look bad.
Sounds like their fault for being stupid enough to buy something you aren’t allowed to sell for a year.
That’s a red flag.
Never heard of having to sign a contract like that for a simple vehicle purchase, that is insane. Wonder if they implemented that after the string of “obvious lack of quality assurance testing” type failures popping up on social media
It also would not be legally enforcable in most countries, but I guess in the US it’s Yeehaw law, so whatever the big corpo says goes.
All other things considered, that car just looks laughably shit. Idiots and their money…
Even if that weren’t a part of the contract; do you think anyone wants to buy a Cyber Truck!?!
Of course I feel sad for them. The people of New Orleans deserve better than having swasticars in their midst.
This guy has the perfect out to set it on fire and scam the insurance company out of money and they chose this. 🙄
Bought the car just to get attention and you’re getting the attention. I don’t see the problem. You got exactly what you wanted. It’s a fuck ugly car that’s shit quality. You bought it just because you wanted to be noticed. Well, play dumb games, win dumb prizes.
Buy the ticket, take the ride
Go fasc lose cash.
That’s how you successfully boycott a product
This is not boycotting, this is assaulting innocent people, but obviously the democrats can’t understand that.