Hey look, a Nazimobile!
He looks to be on verge of tears. What a bland life if your identity is so tightly wrapped around the swasticar.
How about the 3rd regime mobile
Still leaves ‘absurd dumpster truck’ and ‘blatant waste of money’ and ‘oversized trashcan lid’ and ‘penis substitute’ wide open.
Thoughts and prayers
I’ve been calling them cybercucks
What a swasticuck
Let’s not use “cuck” as a slur, please.
speaking as a bull, i think the cucks enjoy humiliation
Found the cuck.
I’m so sick of everything being turned into a “slur”. Get a grip and grow a thicker skin. Stop trying to police everyone else’s vocabulary.
I’m also getting sick of everything turned into a slur, so maybe don’t do it, then.
What if your name/identity/love was a slur? I don’t think you’d grow a thicker skin!