The entire Trump administration is corrupt, rank, and rancid. Every single one should be locked up in jail for a long time, or killed for the treason they’re committing against Americans, the constitution, and country.
Shame on America.
She was the one funneling to Putin. Of course she was included.
Well at least this Russian asset is still scared of perjury
“Truly, I tell you, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three tines” - Matthew 26:34
Sorry, I’m listening to Five Iron Frenzy
To do what? Join them? Help them? Cops are not here to help us, they’re here to help them.
Let’s make our own police force with blackjack and hookers
You know what? Forget the police!
Pinkerton will not help you pleb.
Barbossa: “Means yes.”