Russian Chuck gots to go.
Not that I actually think he’s directly influenced by Russia, but NoviChuck would be a good one too.
That’s sharp.
Schumer isn’t invincible.
Now seems like a good time to point out that no one really questions it when one of these old fucks falls down the stairs.
democrats vote blue, no matter who rather than voting republican; so he can rest easy knowing that there’s nothing he can do that would imperil his job.
That’s not necessarily true, he could be primaried out
kamala was primaried out and ended up the democratic nominee nonetheless
Are you saying the dems should’ve run Biden?.. I think using that one specific circumstances is a bit arbitrary. I probably would’ve used the the 2016 Primaries with Bernie if I were to refute my point personally…
That said people are primaried out all the time. AOC herself won by primarying out an established dem.
Let’s say AOC (for example can be anyone) attempted to Primary out Schumar. Either she wins and gets to further a social democrats agenda in NYS and start to pull out the roots of the corporate Dems. Or if she loses she has a platform to spread her message and inspire people on more local tickets to start to cut out the roots that way.
There’s really no reason to be doomer about an attempt to primary out Schumar.
aoc won’t try to compete with schumer; she obeys his and pelosi’s orders
I mean she does sometimes so not going to fully disagree with you. However she is currently on tour with Bernie pissing off Chuck and Nancy lol
That said doesn’t need to be her necessarily I just mean that fielding someone to challenge would be good.
We gotta do something though as a whole, and I don’t see why executing every potential avenue isn’t beneficial. Run a challenge, run as an independent etc
I don’t believe that either Bernie nor AOC are pissing off the Democratic leadership. I believe that the democratic leadership is letting them proselytize voters back into the democratic fold so that the leadership doesn’t have to adapt or change in any meaningful way.
We’ll have to agree to disagree there, I don’t think your points stupid I just don’t agree.
That said even if that’s true it’d still make sense to primary challenge imo there’s no reason not to.
LOL, people are upset because he (and 9 others) voted with Republicans.
Yes, people on the Democrat side of things are actually upset about a traitor in high office. Republicans seem to be quite happy with their version, though.
If that was true we wouldn’t have a dictatorship right now you dense nugget