They’re selective about who’s protected by that rule too. I got banned for saying shit about child molesters while there was simultaneously a thread on the front page with people saying the same shit about a business executive. Those comments were still up weeks after I appealed my ban asking what the difference was. Never got an answer.
Fight back where? How? What am I supposed to be doing right now?
They’re called maps. I have several in my glove box.
At this point I’m struggling to find how staying informed even helps. The news is a constant deluge of horrible shit I can’t do anything about. I voted, I’ve already braced myself financially for what’s coming as best as I can but I suspect it won’t be enough, no one in power is doing a fucking thing to help.
Yea, this one is actually a Logitch 602 I’ve had for years, and it’s my 3rd one after two warranty replacements so the build quality has always been questionable but I love the button layout on this mouse and the software is usually pretty good at doing what I want so I’m dreading having to replace it. There was apparently another similar one that came out a couple years ago but they don’t make them anymore and from what I was reading the quality was garbage too. I still have the one from the second time I replaced it through the warranty so I’m going to replace the problematic switches on it and see how that goes.
Anytime I have to replace a device I find it incredibly frustrating. It certainly seems like technology is regressing. I’ve had the same phone since 2016 because nothing I’ve looked at has enough of it has to replace it and doesn’t offer anything better to make up for those deficiencies. My mouse recently developed an issue that had me looking at potential replacements and again almost nothing currently available matches it or was even close. I found two that were potentially not a downgrade and one of those had awful reviews. Instead I’m just buying the part to fix it and hopefully I’ll be able to keep limping it along for the foreseeable future. Same goes for my car. Nothing new that I’ve seen appeals to me. They’re all loaded down with infotainment bullshit that’s just a pain in the ass to deal with. Those were just 3 off the top of my head. At least with software you can usually find something open source that does what you want, but if it has to be manufactured by someone else you can forget about it.
Couldn’t you cut the handles down to be suitable for you?
For me it was accessing media on my file server. I ended up having to buy an app and it still sucked. Someone told me apple products let you do that now though so maybe it’s not an issue anymore.
What I’m saying is they sold their good old house and had a new house built that is incredibly shitty for what they paid. It’s just a straight downgrade in almost every way in workmanship, materials, layout, and neighborhood. Inheriting from them is also probably the only way I’m ever going to own a home so it really frustrates me that they did that. Living with them or not won’t make a difference.
If they’re going to make only bog phones they could at least bring back all the hardware features they’ve removed over the years.
If you have to hide your point of view on this topic maybe you should take a look at yourself and try to figure out why you’re such a hateful asshole.
I haven’t been hyped for anything since Godzilla Minus One came out (which more than lived up to my expectations). I do have to live with my parents buying into the hype of owning a new home. So I’ll be stuck inheriting a pile of shit that’s going to be falling apart by then instead of their old house that was rock solid.
“You need to learn to compromise, we’re not asking much. It’s not going to tear your arm off to put biologically accurate data onto government documents.”
Like… Why though? For what reason does the government need this and why would a normal person even care? I could see that it needs to be documented in medical history but even then they should refer to you properly.
I believe your post presumes wrongly that conservatives are spending their days obsessively looking for ways to control or cause either direct or indirect harm to you. They’re not.
Then explain all your subsequent statements where conservatives are doing that very thing.
Same as well with using the state apparatus, taxpayer money, or use public schools to push your views.
The fact that transgender people exist is not a “view”. It’s a scientific fact. Maybe if your school had been funded better you would know this.
However they would be also expecting to not be compelled in any way whatsoever to play along.
It is not a game. They are not playing. They are expressing themselves. Treating them the way they want does no harm to anyone.
Most surely, they would like that, In the same vein as dressing up differently doesn’t give you access to opposite sex bathrooms, getting surgical procedures done on yourself wouldn’t also give you access to the bathrooms of the opposite sex.
Having mis-matched clothing or genitalia has never stopped anyone who wanted to do harm to someone else in a bathroom. This is a bullshit issue.
Then why even ask the question in the first place?
Yeah, there’s days I can’t even listen to podcasts or the radio with people I actually like hearing because I’m so sick of listening to people talk. No fucking way I’d be interested in listening to randos and I hate talking.
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