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Would Canada Be Better Off Without Quebec?

In 1995, Quebec came within a hair’s breadth of leaving Canada. The referendum was so close, 49.4% to 50.6%, that many believed it wouldn’t be the last time Quebec tried to separate.

Nearly 30 years later, the movement is gaining steam again, with Quebec’s separatist party promising another referendum in 2030. But if Quebec finally went its own way, what would that mean for the rest of Canada?

Quebec has long relied on billions in equalization payments, benefited from government favoritism, and shaped national policy to serve its own interests, all while rejecting the very country that sustains it. From subsidized electricity to language laws to political dominance, the province has an outsized influence on Canada’s economy and governance.

  • MajorMajormajormajor@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    Fuck off with this bullshit, Quebec and french canadian culture is a major part of Canadian culture and heritage, and has been since the beginning.

    A lot of provinces need equalization payments, are we to just kick them out too? That sure would be good for a major power threatening our sovereignty if we splintered into little bite size pieces, eh? Fuck off and die in a fire, Canada is not for sale.

    Plus, losing Quebec without transit rights would cripple Canada, it’s our major east coast port (and we don’t have a whole lot of ports to start with). So again, pretty please with sugar on top, fuck off.

    Canadians now, more than ever, need to put aside petty differences and stand together as one country against obvious, and more subtle than this lame posts, threats to our country. We are all Canadian, and Canada is not open to Donny dump’s bullshit.

  • wise_pancake@lemmy.ca
    3 days ago

    J’aime le Québec

    My family is French Canadian, I love Quebec food and culture.

    I hope Quebec sees that they’re a critical part of this country and help make Canada great. Before Trudeau’s resignation the fact that the Bloc was set to become the official opposition I think also shows they do have a strong voice and their opinion can sway the entire country.

    • eurisko@lemmy.ca
      3 days ago

      What I can see on the ground is that something switched in the average queb’s mind when we felt that the RoC materially and firmly stood out to protect/affirm our identity.

      That’s basically the bulk of the whole province’s fears that evaporated overnight.

      I suspect that Canada’s intercultural identity will only continue to rise, and paradoxically, a stronger, more united nation will arise from this.

      I personnally set out to learn more first nation culture and discovered a trove of wonderful and inspiring cultural forms that I think should absolutely inspire a renewed sense of unity (Récits de notre terre: Abénakis).

  • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    I almost always agree with the positions helf by Quebec and whose influence they defend at the political level

    Quebec often has to be the one to say the things that nobody else can get away with politically but that is a necessary hard truth like forceful seperation of church and state and being choosier about how much immigration they calculate they are able to meaningfully support and integrate.

    Not that they are perfect or not spoiled due to their realpolitik unique status in Canada but there’s benefits to having an influential distinct society within that can operate more sensibly in the face of some untenable and less defensible trends that are otherwise seemingly impossible to countenance