Stone Mason, Canadian ExPat living in the UK, Hobbyist musician.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I mean. Postmedia is already mostly funded by the federal government. Think it was in 2022, they received $9.9 million, while their operating profit was 13 million.

    A list of their Assets:

    Tap for spoiler


    The Flyer Force


    Broadsheet dailies and weeklies

    National Post
    Financial Post (administratively part of the National Post)
    Belleville Intelligencer
    Brantford Expositor
    Calgary Herald
    Cape Breton Post
    Chatham Daily News
    The Chronicle Herald (Halifax)
    Cornwall Standard Freeholder
    Edmonton Journal
    Kenora Daily Miner and News
    Kingston Whig-Standard
    London Free Press
    The Gazette (Montreal)
    North Bay Nugget
    Ottawa Citizen
    Regina Leader-Post
    The StarPhoenix (Saskatoon)
    Sault Star
    Sudbury Star
    Timmins Daily Press
    Vancouver Sun (not related to the tabloid Sun newspapers also owned by Postmedia)
    Windsor Star

    Tabloid dailies

    Calgary Sun
    Edmonton Sun
    Ottawa Sun
    The Province (Vancouver)
    Toronto Sun
    Winnipeg Sun

    Community newspapers

    Postmedia owns newspapers that serve smaller communities across Canada, including:

    Airdrie Echo (tabloid)
    Bow Valley Crag and Canyon (tabloid)
    Brockville Recorder and Times (broadsheet)
    Chatham This Week (tabloid)
    Clinton News-Record (tabloid)
    Cochrane Times (Alberta) (tabloid)
    Cochrane Times-Post (tabloid)
    Cold Lake Sun (tabloid)
    Drayton Valley Western Review (tabloid)
    Edson Leader (tabloid)
    Elliot Lake Standard (tabloid)
    Fort McMurray Today (tabloid)
    Fort Saskatchewan Record (tabloid)
    Goderich Signal-Star (tabloid)
    Grande Prairie Daily Herald-Tribune (tabloid)
    Hanna Herald (tabloid)
    High River Times (tabloid)
    Hinton Parklander (tabloid)
    Kincardine News (tabloid)
    Kingston This Week (tabloid)
    Lakeshore Advance (Grand Bend; tabloid)
    Lloydminster Meridian Booster (tabloid) sold to Lloydminster Source Ltd
    Mid-North Monitor (Espanola; tabloid)
    Mayerthorpe Freelancer (tabloid)
    Nanton News (tabloid)
    Owen Sound Sun Times (broadsheet)
    Peace River Record-Gazette (broadsheet)
    Pincher Creek Echo (tabloid)
    Red River Valley Echo (tabloid) closed 2020
    Sarnia Observer (broadsheet)
    Sherwood Park News (tabloid)
    Simcoe Reformer (tabloid)
    St. Thomas Times-Journal (tabloid)
    Stratford Beacon Herald (broadsheet)
    Vulcan Advocate (tabloid)
    Vermilion Standard (tabloid)
    Whitecourt Star (tabloid)
    Winkler Times (tabloid)
    Woodstock Sentinel-Review (broadsheet)

    Former assets

    24 Hours (Toronto, Vancouver) sold to Torstar and closed, 2017[40]
    Barrie Examiner sold to Torstar and closed, 2017[40]
    Bradford Times (tabloid) sold to Torstar and closed, 2017[40]
    Camrose Canadian (tabloid), closed 2018
    Collingwood Enterprise Bulletin sold to Torstar and closed, 2017[40]
    Niagara Falls Review (broadsheet) sold to Torstar, 2017
    Norwich Gazette, closed 2018
    Orillia Packet & Times (broadsheet) sold to Torstar and closed, 2017[40]
    Pembroke Daily Observer (broadsheet), ceasing print edition 2018
    Peterborough Examiner (broadsheet) sold to Torstar, 2017
    St. Catharines Standard (broadsheet) sold to Torstar in 2017
    Strathmore Standard (tabloid), closed 2018


    Financial Post Business
    Living Windsor
    Muskoka Magazine
    Kingston Life Magazine
    Interiors Magazine
    Backpack Magazine
    Cannabis Post
    Muskoka Visitor Guide
    Ontario Farmer Magazines (Hog, Beef, Dairy)


    1. File size limits on the default instance are 20mb.

    But it’s configurable right? Should be looking through configurations anyway.

    1. Its not federated.

    I’d argue that not everything needs to be federated. Some things would definitely benefit from federation, but I’m not entirely sure that this is one of them.

    1. It’s not encrypted.

    This IS a bit of a major negative. But point 2 and point 3 seems to be in conflict. I’m definitely not an expert, and don’t pretend to be. But to my limited, layman’s, knowledge wouldn’t being federated and encrypted not really work out? What would be the point in encrypting all communication between the server instance and client, to then federate it out to other servers?

    I’m not trying to be contrarian here, I’m really asking, is that something that would:

    1. Work.
    2. Makes sense to do

    Or is the lack of encryption a security risk for server operators? I’m not getting the point, obviously. And I’d like to know what your thinking on this is.

  • For 40 years, we’ve seen the devastating effects of so-called “free trade” on the working class. Corporations have been driving a non-stop race to the bottom by killing good blue-collar jobs in America to go exploit some poor worker in another country by paying poverty wages. Tariffs are a powerful tool in the toolbox for undoing the injustice of anti-worker trade deals. We are glad to see an American president take aggressive action on ending the free trade disaster that has dropped like a bomb on the working class.

    Fuckin hell.

    There’s been a lot of talk of these tariffs “disrupting” the economy. But if corporate America chooses to price-gouge the American consumer or attack the American worker because they don’t want to pay their fair share, corporate America bears the blame for that decision. The working class suffered all the pain of NAFTA, and we won’t suffer all the pain of undoing NAFTA. We want to see corporate America, from the auto industry and beyond, recommit to the working class that makes the products and generates the profits that keep this country running.

    Re: emphasised section.
    They were so…sooo close to getting it. Free trade possibly had a part to play in the crushing of the American working class. I guess. Personally I’d say the constant refusal of many states or the feds to put proper worker protections into law, ridiculously low federal minimum wage, and lack of enforcement of what little regulations there are that protect workers.

    The UAW is in active negotiations with the Trump Administration about their plans to end the free trade disaster. We look forward to working with the White House to shape the auto tariffs in April to benefit the working class. We want to see serious action that will incentivize companies to change their behavior, reinvest in America, and stop cheating the American worker, the American consumer, and the American taxpayer.

    I would say “fucking class traitors” but I don’t think they consider themselves working class for the most part…or at least not the people who approved that message.

  • I’d never gone and read anything Hitler had written. Maybe it’s partly the inherent inaccuracies introduced when translating something. Idk… whatever it was…that quote from Mein Kampf was absolutely insufferable. Not the topic, disgusting as it is. The…hmmm… slightly flowery, holier-than-thou-esque tone… patronising, like you’d speak to someone you think is really dumb. Which I guess probably was what was going on. Get the feeling Hitler thought he was a pretty smart cookie.