Donald Trump’s push to annex Canada as the 51st U.S. state is confusing due to its sudden and unexplained emergence.
Initially praising Canada as an ally, Trump now aggressively seeks annexation, imposing tariffs, criticizing trade deficits, and challenging established borders and treaties.
Former officials and congressional Republicans express bewilderment, stating they have “no clue” about Trump’s motivation.
Canadian leaders and the U.S. business community strongly oppose the move, citing sovereignty and economic harm.
Republicans also question Trump’s strategy, noting annexation would add millions of liberal-leaning voters and complicate American politics.
He wants all of North America it seems pretty clear to me. From the Arctic to Panama he’s planning to conquer. Then after that, I don’t know. He might try for the whole world
It was on one of the pieces of paper he agreed to sign when he accepted the money and ‘technical assistance’, so he’s 100% on board.
I mean it really isn’t confusing if you look at it through the lens of Putin told his lackey to fuck up everything he could concentrating on wrecking our strongest trading and defense relationships.
Seen through that lens it’s very clear what the agenda is: Weaken the US and its allies.
It’s painfully evident that this is what’s going on. Straight-up treason: sabotage the economy, dismantle democracy, stab allies in the back, wreck American soft power, and above all, capitulate to whatever Putin demands.
Republicans also question Trump’s strategy, noting annexation would add millions of liberal-leaning voters and complicate American politics.
You mean millions of insurgents literally trying to murder every Republican politician and burn America to the ground. Not sure why their voting habits would be relevant in the face of that.
I think a lot of Americans are completely unaware of just how fucking furious we are at this flippant talk of destroying our country and subjugating our people. Even a lot of the ones who are unsympathetic to Trump don’t understand just what this kind of talk means to us.
Yeah, voting in an American election would be the very last thing I’d be doing. There’s no way in hell I’m becoming American while I’m still alive (and same goes for everyone I’ve talked to here in Canada)
Even the most non violent people I’ve heard say they’d fight to remain sovereign. Nobody here wants this
Nobody here wants this
I’ll bet there are some in Alberta.
Yeah they don’t realize they’re getting into an Afghanistan or Vietnam but where their homeland is wide open to cross border attacks.
“Canada only works as a state,” Trump said Thursday. “We don’t need anything they have. As a state, it would be one of the great states anywhere. This would be the most incredible country, visually. If you look at a map, they drew an artificial line right through it, between Canada and the U.S. Just a straight, artificial line. Somebody did it a long time ago, many many decades ago. Makes no sense. It’s so perfect as a great and cherished state.”
They’re all “artificial” lines Donald
Trump sees the world through the lens of autarky. It’s like the man fell out of the 18th century. He thinks nations are these self-sufficient organisms living on the planet, competing for resources, etc. He thinks trade means dependency and weakness, rather than mutual benefit and specialization. The man has never had to share anything with anyone in his entire life; it’s not surprising he would have such a warped world view.
That is what he means by “Canada only works as a (US) state.” The US really could make a decent play at autarky. The US gets about 30% of its GDP from trade; Canada gets 70%. It’s foolish to try to do it overnight. But if the US wanted to make an attempt at autarky, and made the transition over decades? The US could pull that off. It would mean being poorer than we would be otherwise. We would have to accept more expensive and lower quality goods, but we could do it. The US has a large enough land area, population, and resource base that it could, on its own, maintain an industrial society completely from domestic resources.
Canada? It would have a much, much harder time at autarky. If both the US and Canada forever closed all their international borders tomorrow, Canada would end up a lot worse off than the US. Canada, as an island nation unto itself, would have a really hard time surviving.
Of course, there’s no damn reason that nations need to survive by autarky. They’re not independent islands. And we all grow richer by specialization and trade. But that fundamentally is not how Trump sees the world.
Yet the line south of Texas is inviolable, sacred, a proud bulwark…
Well, yeah, Mexicans are brown people.
He simply wants to make America bigger
I don’t know what people find so confusing about this. This is the business mindset. If you’re not growing your failing. Empires get bigger by taking more land. Therefore the American empire must take more land. It’s not rocket science. It’s a child’s view of ‘winning’.
The Canadians are our homies, why would orange want to hurt our homie? They’ve been with us thru thick and thin, and now orange wants to fuck things up for us? Don’t think we want this either dear Canadians, those ball guzzlers just regurgitate whatever orange says. Even if it hurts us, by Canadian goods only until orange leaves office, if not sooner because homies should only kiss, not attack.
Why believe Congressional Republicans at their word when they say they don’t support this talk or don’t know where it is coming from? They’re collaborator filth. They will “suddenly” fall in line when something actionable is put forth.
They could show their disapproval by impeaching Trump. They would never though.
That’s not the end of Putin that Trump kisses.
You don’t try to understand insanity, you treat it.
Don’t you have to understand it somewhat to treat it?
That depends on the method of treatment.
I vote open up the skull to study the brain, the old fashioned way.
This is his (stupid and selfdefeating) way to tackle four problems:
- US industry, especially those close to him, needs rare earth minerals. Canada and especially Greenland might provide those.
- Climate change will render large parts of the US uninhabitable in a few decades time. The US therefore needs Lebensraum. Now that’s a word he and his right-arm-raising friends love.
- Combining 2 and 1, the Arctic is melting. Exposing all sorts of new mineable goodies, and opening up new waterways. That will provide new economic opportunities as well as create new military threats. Owning Canada and Greenland would go a long way towards mitigating that.
- Trump sees a future in which a few large power blocks control the world. Currently, the US is one of the smallest of those: only 350 million where China and India are over 1 billion each, Europe is more than 500 million, etc. So the US needs to expand and grow its population size.
He’s much too stupid for any of this, so I assume we’re talking about the architects of project 2025 and/or putin?
100%. T rump is just a tool that they put in place to do their bidding and to be a fall guy when the people finally get off their asses.
I think that’s why they have musk around. Not only is he doing a lot of the controversial stuff but he’s loaded
Point 1 will be underscored regularly by his oligarch cronies, like Musk, Bezos and Brin - those that want to build rockets, electronics and batteries. They would love for the US to become totally independent of China, in minerals but also production capacity and price levels.
Point 3 will be mostly military talking points, and although it’s not in the media much, the race for the Arctic has been on for a while.
Points 2 and 4 are about raw power on the world stage, and that’s something Trump does understand. He doesn’t believe in cultural, diplomatic or economic power - only military. It also rhymes with nazi ideology about Lebensraum, a homeland for the ‘pure race’ that derives its global power from its purity. It might also involve a breeding ideology.
It’s not really confusing. His whole strategy, as we saw during his first term, is to do and say so much outrageous stuff that no particular scandal can stick with him. He also thinks being a bully is being a good businessman.
I doubt he would actually want to annex anywhere, but it’s easy ragebait that he can keep bringing up to keep news on that and off of his crimes.
Bull pucks. The man isn’t playing 4-D chess with the News, he’s not even do a deliberate Gish-Gallop. He’s just saying the first thing that pops in to his head. And right now that’s I want to go down in history as the greatest president ever. He thinks if he expands the US he’ll be bigger then Jefferson.
Add megalomania to sociopathy and narcissism.
I don’t agree. I think he will really do it. Spewing out everything at once is benefitting him/project 2025 but it would be a mistake to think it’s just talk at this point. That’s why Canadian politicians are being so strong on this. It’s really happening.