Nancy will need extra ibuprofen for the above action. Thankfully, big pharma has paid her well for her and her colleagues inaction.
Nancy will need extra ibuprofen for the above action. Thankfully, big pharma has paid her well for her and her colleagues inaction.
I typed out 2 large paragraphs and realized I’d have to type 3 more to truly get my point across and then I realized I’m not here to sway your opinion, and I don’t think you could be swayed or this would even be productive unless we spoke over voice because this is the kind of conversation that is incredibly annoying to have over text.
Anyway you’re welcome to disagree. I think you’re wrong, you think I’m wrong, that’s totally fine. At the end of the day we would both be fighting on the same side if it ever came down to it.
Originally commented by u/Saturn_winter on 2025-03-06 03:25:03 AM