Sounds like a great sub to have over here.
Sounds like a great sub to have over here.
Appeal to duck duck go?
There’s also slamming Reddit with more Lemmy talk. Maybe seed the standard Lemmy apps as Reddit apps and see what shakes out.
Elon is haunting Reddit
There are many individuals who have upped their meds such that they do not have daily panic attacks. It’s not that people don’t know, it’s that they feel powerless. Some have gone to stand in streets with signs, only to go home to face the same problems unfixed by their actions and then have a panic attack.
Non controlled substance example, a buspar increase, additional hydroxyzine increase, and added blood pressure med. That’s not advice, that’s simply 1 example you’re not seeing happening. And it’s a common combo such that it’s pretty non-identifying, like metoprolol with baby aspirin.
The usual methods of protest are not working. And as much as people like to scream on Lemmy that old methods will work, let’s be realistic. They’re ignoring courts, laws, the us constitution, why would they listen to some “nobody” on a street in a city they don’t visit. I wish to god it were that simple but this is a new order, you’ll need new methods.
In the meantime, who do you call? There’s no customer service line where someone takes your governance complaint and offers a resolution.
Do you know anyone with any governance power at all? Most don’t.
Common reported feelings include: elephant sitting on my chest (overlapping symptom between heart attack and panic attack), feeling ready to “climb the walls”, despair, controlled fear, suffocation, among others.
The feelings are there, but to what effective actions?
Inertia is one of the driving forces of humanity.
I admit, at first glance, I thought I was looking at a still shot of Hoth.
Trump really wants the American people to suffer.
All the stuff he had on him? I think he was on his way to #2.
LLCs are licensed. As such, the owner(s) is on public record which means you track this on a .gov site. Some of these guys, as in a single real estate guy, will have a page or two of the LLC flips including land purchases fof $10 between their own LLCs.
Oh how I wish that were a given.
And that’s the primary problem with the new triple contractor rates, House quality is going to severely decline in the next 10yrs as people try to do everything themselves because professional home repair has become grossly unaffordable.
I’ve been repairing and home owning for over 25 yrs. I make more money and can no longer easily afford home repair the last 3 yrs. As such, I shudder the think of what garbage is being done in homes with no capacity to afford the new higher rates right now. Even a box of construction screws and a can of paint is crazy expensive now.
Is this being rolled out for Luigi? This feels like it’s being rolled out for Luigi.
As a homeowner I’m more convinced this is the quality of contractors these days. For triple pre-2020 prices.
This is always a personal choice.
Bear in mind you do yourself a disservice by believing rag headlines (common dreams, daily beast, new republic, etc) in an echo chamber. Talking to people who don’t agree with you will tell you more about present politics, in terms of what the “other guy” is thinking. It’s also an opportunity to pick things apart in chill discussions and find the point where you digress instead of assuming.
Flippant remarks are typically engaged in areas people haven’t spent time or mental resources on. They’re more likely to be verbal passcodes for a social group. You could find out. Where the jokes stop is usually the more viscerally believed area.
Or maybe that’s just me who has an interest in that sort of thing. That said, you can encounter people you start to sway with reasonable discussion based in listening to everything they want to say who then get angry, yell that they can’t talk to you any more, who then simply go away.
To be fair I have all the energy in the world for strangers because they’re often 1-4 encounters and done. In my personal life, I have the energy and wherewithal to maintain 1, and that is probably only because they’re my closest genetic link.
Omega 3 aside, it’s not even effective in improving cholesterol levels. It does have a laxative effect though.
Where’s the ground zero for this misinformation? RFK?
Maybe the evolution. My grandmother told stories of her dad scaring her mom with his “crazy” driving, speeding up to 40, sometimes even 45 mph.
Screen consoles in 4000lb bullets were the dumbest engineering idea ever. It’s probably a contributing factor as to why accident rates are up.
Up until 2018 I could manipulate my entire console without shifting my eyes from the road. Doing this by touch alone only works with physical buttons and knobs.
The better odds are on control.
Luigi wasn’t talking with anyone. None of this would’ve helped them with him.
‘Eau’ and ‘oi’ are the best I can do with that mess. Or a whole tray dump.