Pro-life is just an euphemism for “control over women”. Nothing more, and that resolves that weird contradiction.
Pro-life is just an euphemism for “control over women”. Nothing more, and that resolves that weird contradiction.
My mother was born in a basement during the bombardments of Dresden while the house above them was burning. Her mother had barely made it out of the second floor with burning phosphorus running down the walls. At this point, my grandparents had been on the road for quite a while, narrowly escaping the Russian front, starting with leaving behind every single thing they owned at their farm estate in Silesia. They had nothing but their clothes on their back and they already experienced, that nobody wanted anything to do with the refugees from the east.
My inconveniences are mild, compared to that. They are significant for me, but historically, we’re still at an all time high compared to our ancestors, unless you have old money in your bloodline.
Historically, people have made babies under much more dire circumstances and some of them made it through so we’re here today. I don’t feel like having kids either, I know, but I think this sentiment comes from a luxurious position.
Hey, that’s not fair. Bring him a little black suitcase now and then and you’ll find you can rely on him without any worries.
I assume it’s more about the parents high-fiving each other over really sticking it to the man or something. It’s just one of the results of rampant anti-intellectualism. The kids are just a random collateral in that circlejerk of those brake pads of evolution.