What do you use NFS for, isn’t NFS relatively obsolete by now?
Assume I know not much about file shares.
I see, so we need to stop them from imposing censorship. How are they going to do it though?
Is this a “we need to censor them because they don’t believe in free speech” kind of a thing?
Nobody has ever died from nuclear waste.
Nuclear waste itself is a misnomer, there is no waste it’s just uneconomical to use at a certain point, it still has a ton of energy potential.
If people stopped being hysterical about a technology they don’t understand we could probably develop it.
Like a PRISM for China, is every powerful country just backdooring each other?
First world countries will be scrambling to replace their high tech industries as China eats their lunch.
Read project 2025, it views India as the most aggregious.
Which has the highest tariffs.
Ho does one even use mastadon, it seems to require a login on every instance?
Project 2025. The goal is to remove all tariffs and other limitations against the US.
Canada for instance has laws on antibiotics for dairy, foreign ownership for banks and telcos, various things like that. India has tariffs on everything.
The document outlines crazy things like capital punishment and a border wall, its clearly Trumps handbook. It’s all in there.
China can buy our housing to rent it back to us, but we can’t buy their EV because other companies won’t make as much profit. Great trickle down.
Reddit used to be good, now its just another app nag whore.
I can’t use my Browser without it being created by a tech giant, cant use my new computer without having my software uefi signed by Microsoft, AI will soon need me to have my GPU licensed and registered.
The world is heading to crap.
Because investors expect it, whether it generates profit or not. I guess we will see how it changes workflows, or whether people continue to do things like they always have.
That’s really interesting about lice. I’d be curious how you deal with society trying to protect or enhance specific groups they deemed disadvantaged still, do we eliminate them and remove these labels entirely making then moot?
What can someone self identify as though, can I self identify as a specific race, species, nationality, etc… where does one determine where to draw the line?
Clearly its going to be an issue that leads to some disagreement as it is open to ambiguity. If anything can self identify as anything would that be the middle path?
Obviously it has real implications in reality as well, like grants and shelters that go towards a specific demographics that are disproportionately disadvantaged. If people can self identify then it is obviously ripe for exploit, and how do we police that outside of the same witch hunts the anti-trans people are on, so how do we solve this one?
But I want mine to have a goatee, why doesn’t apple give iPhone a goatee?
I hope they don’t have access to a cloud computing provider somewhere, otherwise this is going to be a tough thing to enforce without a great firewall larger than China has.
It will be hilarious to see them attempt it though.
Can’t have the people using unsanctioned software.