Arf! I’m Tony Bark. Artist and writer by day. Programmer by night. Gamer all the way.
Zero to prison time.
nuclear power is expensive to build
So? It pays for itself.
He’s dead, Jim.
I think it’s just the anti-LGBT rhetoric is loud (quite literately) but they’re not necessarily they’re large.
The amount of strings the GOP has to pull just to get any election in their favor should tell ya’ everything.
Yup. It’s just another predatory service.
The jokes just write themselves.
Brings a tear of joy.
Guess he’ll have to arrest himself.
Sometimes i like Apple, sometimes I don’t. This is certainly the former.
Shame I really liked young Kevin Rose during the TechTV and Revision3 days.
Time to grab the biggest fork you can get.
“Rejected on the account that you’re a hypocrite. And that’s just scratching the surface.”
Your guess is as good as mine.
Yeah… I was a little confused myself.
I have that exact SanDisk, rocking a rockbox firmware
Me too! Only in blue. I have no idea where mine is now, sadly.
We must go deeper.
The Sofa Who Loved Me.
I love the addition of the seductive sofas. xD
Yeah. There’s a whole section dedicated to showing varies nodes in the network.
That’d be a great twist.