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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • That would be an option. Abandon your citizenship and the right to ever obtain it again and youre free to go.
    On the other hand, you benefitted from the country until that point and abandoning it when it needs you the most seems kind of unfair. Countries dont revoke your citizenship when they dont need you anymore, like for criminals or homeless people, it goes both ways. I dont think there is an obvious solution, in a war everyone loses.

  • What are you basing the statement that their survival doesnt matter on? They are soldiers that are inevitably needed in a war, but the countries survival depends on their success in the war which is kind of equivalent to the survival of as many of them as possible.
    To me it seems Ukraine can choose between not having enough troops and inevitably losing the war and their country, or sending in conscripts (of which a certain percentage will die) and having a chance of fighting back.
    It does seem cruel that some are forced to die (or risk dying) for the survival of the masses, but would it be better if all citizens were forced equally, women and children included? What would be the alternative? Relying on volunteers alone doesnt seem enough, so should they abandon their country?

  • If the country is worth dying for, people will volunteer.

    While I agree that conscription is generally not good and shouldnt be necessary, this statement is definitely not true. Humans usually care for their lives and the responsibility for their families first.
    Imagine a situation in which you live in a perfect utopia of a country, but every year, one citizen has to be sacrificed. Would you volunteer immediately? Probably not. Given the choice not to die, most people would take it. Would you agree to 1 person out of X million being picked randomly and accepting it if youre chosen? I think thats more likely. It seems fair and your chances of being chosen are very small because of the number of people involved.

  • While I agree to some extent, I think it is not that simple. By being born as citizen of a country, you automatically gain lots of benefits like protection from violence or healthcare, but also get responsibilities, like following the law. In extreme cases, your country could depend on its citizens protecting it. You could argue that you didnt sign up for either of those, but thats just how humanity evolved and if we abolish these “contracts”, thats anarchy.
    In this case, if all citizens were given the choice not to fight for Ukraine, it could very well be that it would be under Russian control by now, costing millions of people their home. Not saying that is definitely the case though, I dont know enough about the details.

  • Why are you trying to make this about russia when its not relevant for the question? Just because there is someone worse doesnt excuse the lesser evil. And it certainly should not stop us from viewing them objectively/critically.
    When someone beats their kid you wouldnt say “but they got raped by their parents thats much worse”.
    Btw Im not saying Ukraine is to blame here, I havent done research into this particular topic, just saying we shouldnt dismiss info just because theres an aggressor doing worse shit.

  • What the actual fuck. I am kind of unsure if this is a ragebait but I will take it nonetheless.
    You can judge people for thousands of ways in which they are egotistic or not charitable. Not adopting would come just about last. I hope the person you talked to donates every cent above the bare minimum they need to survive, does not drive a car, has adopted at least 10 children and works for a charity.
    Otherwise they have absolutely no right to judge people for not going through the absolutely awful adoption process and sacrificing a major part of their life for kids that potentially require much more attention and patience than most.
    Most people arent even emotionally ready to raise their own children and would absolutely fail with adopted children.
    Not to mention blood relation is a very special bond and you cant judge anyone for seeking that.