I misspelled specific.
You gotta spoof the from email address. If you find an open mail relay, it’s as easy as using the send-mail command in PowerShell. I never actually did that particular kind of operation in Linux, but I would be surprised if there isn’t a cli that would do that.
Could be anything from on entry point on a phishing campaign to simply flooding their inbox with useless shit
Also, they likely use exchange, so if you were to spoof their email@ domain.onmicrosoft.com address, you could really trick people into thinking it was an official email from any of those addresses
Actually they’d probably do a lot better than the chickens in the industrial farms.
My comment got removed because I told someone to eat farts.
There’s a card game of it, I play it with my kids and they don’t know why I love it so much.
Isn’t it anything divided by 0 is undefined? Granted, I only have a more or less intermediate level of math, but I was always taught that multiplication by zero is always zero. But then again, zero is weird and can break my brain just as much as infinity does.
Grateful dad sounds like a pretty good band name for a bunch of middle aged men who play 60s and 70s covers