She’s surely vaccinated though… Because until recently it was required, and the vaccine is like 97% effective
She’s surely vaccinated though… Because until recently it was required, and the vaccine is like 97% effective
Don’t you know, it’s considered violence to use economics against the rich, that’s only allowed against the poors
Honestly they’re probably taking a loss to punish people who miss payments on their eggs. One person on the debt treadmill is worth a lot more than a few cents… Loans are so shady as an industry, the smaller they are the more they’re just looking to further exploit the poorest people
Either that or they think the dollar is about to deflate lol
Yes and no… They’re very similar conceptually and ingredients wise, but the experience is very different. Frying the outside really firms it up like a French fry, and you get that flavor and texture all around. They also sometimes will add weird things like olives and raisins to it, which is still good, but I don’t particularly like those to start with so I might be biased
You’ve got the right idea of what it is, but you really have to experience it for yourself - a lot of South and Central American countries have their own versions that are very similar, so if you go to a Latino restaurant that isn’t Mexican or Peruvian chicken, you’ll probably be able to find it.
I’ve never tried adding jalapenos to the onion topping though… That sounds delicious. I might have to make that, it is a great topping and adding some heat to it sounds even better
Papa reyeñas(sp?). They’re so good, it’s basically mashed potatoes with ground beef mix inside, then fried/seared and baked until it sorta looks like a potato again. Then you take finely sliced red onions and soak them in lime juice for 12 hours so they get less harsh and use it like a topping
Honestly, I know how to do all off the top of my head except how long to boil the potatoes…I just would never put that much effort into my meals, so I would need a reason to cook it for others. There’s also a lot of cleanup, you need a frying pan you need a frying pan you wash twice, a big bowl, a masher, an oven dish, a lime squeezer, Tupperware (or a ziplock, but I get enough plastic), a knife, a spatula, and whatever serving dishes
I don’t enjoy cooking, but I’m pretty good at it when I want to be… But I have to want to be
I mean, they’re ruining their search anyways. It’s almost unusable at this point, it’s like asking for relevant ads and two year old Reddit posts
Is it censorship? Did they decide to just straight up sell SEO? Are websites locking down and blocking their crawlers to stop AI training crawlers?
I legitimately find Bing to be better at this point, but whatever they’re doing it’s maddening. Even better AI assisted web searches kinda suck because the data fed into them is more of the same
But solid chance they’re trying to boost Gemini, which has been a shockingly bad llm for a company that basically wrote the book on AI not too long ago
I love the unedited fox news interview
Would you release the Epstein files?
Uh… Well… Uh… Maybe? Yeah, I think I would, but I’d have to take a closer look, it could cause problems for people. But yeah…I think I would. Yeah.
After rapid fire “yes” to every other document they asked about, it really stands out
When you’re a billionaire. Then it turns out, you’re just giving your heart to the crowd. And then, when you fund and speak at Nazi party rallies overseas, you’re just fighting “woke” or something. And when you agree that “Jews are doing ethnic replacement” on Twitter, you just have to take pictures at a concentration camp and you’re a “friend of Israel”
But I do enjoy when people get fired because they think they can do it too
No, let’s see the silver lining on this one. My water was already giving me headaches and nausea (which stopped when I transitioned to bottled water, which is something I really didn’t want to do), so let’s lean into this.
The water in the US is safe to drink is a fucking lie, if we hit this hard people will get sick, then they’ll be ready to learn
The most effective thing he could do to help grok… Or really anything he “does”… Succeed is to be as far as possible from them
If he fucked off to a desert island never to return, they’d all probably improve drastically. He has the Trump touch, anything he touches turns to shit
That being said, I wish he won here. I encourage billionaires to be spiteful to one another, and honestly this seems like it should be illegal anyways
That’s not true at all, they’re super helpful. I use them almost every day, they save me an insane amount of time and energy
What I don’t do is rely on it. I’m the developer, I know what’s going on, it has the memory of a goldfish. It also spits out code near instantly… Which I then read through and usually fix
But it makes less mistakes than I do writing dumb repetitive code. It will, 95% of the time, correctly tell me something in half the time it would take me to look it up, if not less
It’s nowhere close to a worker replacement, but it’s damn good at empowering people to do what they do
A few months ago, I would’ve said how people try to engage you in good faith and how people would read walls of text and engage
Lately I feel people are scared and angry. Which is totally reasonable, but has some of the best parts of our communities
We also probably got a lot of new refugees and more interest from botters… But I used to get love with near every message I posted. Or at least honest engagement. Now? I get way less replies, and way more of them are reading into something I didn’t say
Yep… My first “career” job was for a mid sized company. In my onboarding they gave me my employee number but said “you’ll never need this, here you’re a name, not a number”. One time I emailed security saying I forgot my badge because it was with my lunch, and one of the founders called me up and gave me his prepackaged lunch because he said he usually doesn’t get through them all. When we closed a big deal, they called us all upstairs to have champagne during the workday. Our mission was unambiguously to help people
Then we got acquired… They gave me my new employee ID and told me I’d be using it for everything. They just milked our contracts and refused wages until we all left
And unfortunately, mid sized companies can give an equally good experience with much better pay and job security… But they’re being bought out to secure contracts and gutted at an insane rate.
It’s late stage capitalism… If you want to keep growing but you’ve already destroyed your ability to complete, buy them out to take over their contracts
Oh absolutely… There’s tons of petty tyrants out there too, which is different, but also bad or even worse. They might also be just staffing something just as soul crushing too, so it could just be worse in every regard
But small business means your boss is probably there to stay. Ideally, you meet the owner in your interview, often they’re the same person. But if you find someone loyal to their people, you can actually give them your loyalty and they’ll see you as a person
IDK if this would be viable with an H1 visa and I’ve seen many other options I’ll be looking into, but here’s what I normally tell people in this position: small businesses are built different
They’re harder to find, they usually don’t pay amazingly, but they’re way more human. It’s not all run through spread sheets, you work for humans who get to know you and (can sometimes) actually be like a family…(If they say that phrase it’s a red flag though)
It’s hit or miss, you likely would be working on legacy stuff or have to wear many hats… But it’s work where you know what you’re doing and who you’re doing it for
Yeah… I’m willing to buy that he had immediate, top grade treatment, I’m willing to accept that the bullet barely grazed him and it bled a lot
But I’m not willing to believe he healed that fast or that perfectly. There’s no notch from any angle, no scab, nothing - just a few days later there was no sign of it. And he was milking it for all he had… And yet, aside from that blood on the scene, all we ever saw was comically oversized bandages, then normal ones during more serious meetings, then nothing
I think deepseek shook them enough to realize what should have been obvious for a while… Brute force doesn’t beat new techniques, and spending the most might not be the safest bet
There’s a ton of new techniques being developed all the time to do things more efficiently, and if you don’t need a crazy context window, in many use cases you can get away with much smaller models that don’t need massive datacenters
They’re different - when I say “brush” my tongue stays in the middle of my mouth against the bottom and the back spreads slightly on the r, when I say “blush” it touches the top of my teeth before flicking down on the u
They’re slightly different phonemes, if you don’t hear it naturally it’s difficult. But if you focus hard enough on the details you can eventually learn to hear it - you have to listen intently to the comparison over and over until you can hear the difference. From there, you can practice to make the sound yourself
It works great if you’re starting from 0 - you see every keystroke, you get hours of background information you may or may not need. It’s dumping the entire process from start to finish on you. You can follow along, understanding what you can and copying what you don’t
And then slowly, more and more of the excess information is just things you already know. Now you’re looking at a 40 minute video that may or may not have one sentence of information you’re searching for, the entire thing explaining it to you like you’re a total newbie
It makes me want to pull out my hair
And the parents are vaccinated