• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • Gen-X guy with possibly too much interest in the subject.

    Shaving it bald for women started to become normal about 15 years ago. Trimming it was more common then, and going back to end of the 1980s, shaving was a rare and weird fetish in the western world.

    As for why, I’d say it’s because porn normalized it - and porn did it because as mainstream content became more explicit, shaved pubes were both easier to keep clean for the actresses, and (more importantly) showed more.

    I find it funny that now that it’s become mainstream, hair is becoming a growing fetish.

    As an aside, since pubic hair is a sign of sexual maturity, some of the generations that grew up with hair down there have a subconscious connection between bald and sexually immature, i.e. children.

  • I’m a Canadian who has lived and worked in the US, so I’ve got some familiarity with it.

    There is a pervading sense of exceptionalism buried deep in the American zeitgeist. It runs so deep that most people don’t even notice it - even on the outer edges.

    Case in point: My closest friends down there were staunch leftists. In a land of gun owners and meat lovers, they were vegetarians and pacifists who marched in protests against the government. Most of the time they were quiet, charming, soft-spoken, but firm in their beliefs. Pretty much the polar opposite of the “loudmouth American tourist abroad” stereotype.

    And yet if you asked them if the US was the greatest country on earth, they’d say “well yeah, which is why we have to fight for it.” An admirable sentiment, but the “well yeah” speaks volumes for how the country sees itself.

    The protest singers who lived through McCarthy are the same. Woody Guthrie and his son Arlo would probably say that for all of its flaws and horror, the US is still the best nation we’ve got so far.

    When you know deep in your soul that you’re the best, it’s hard not to let some subconscious arrogance show through.

  • And really most of the effort is going to be in the beginning, once you’ve figured out what your new preferred brands are, it starts getting easier.

    This is an EXCELLENT point, and I really want to emphasize it as much as possible. We’re changing our habits at the moment, and that’s hard as hell to do. Once we’ve changed them, then maintenance and tweaks are trivial in comparison.

  • I can’t speak for anyone else here, but personally this whole fiasco was the final kick in the ass I needed.

    I’m not looking for the US to fix themselves so I can buy from them again, I’m looking to divorce them for good.

    They’ll probably pull back from the brink in the next few years. I will still avoid buying American.

    They’ll probably go through a period of rebuilding and political/economic outreach. I will still avoid them.

    Because even if they recover from Trump, they’ll eventually do it again.