sure, snooker is fine and all for a casual game but it is no crokinole
“federation” implies deep interconnect, a “bridge” on the otherhand is an artificial architecture of connection along narrow fragile terms.
Just because you build a bridge to the fediverse doesn’t mean you are really part of the vibrant, free core of the fediverse city center, you are just mooching out or at best trying to arrange an alliance.
When two things federate on the fediverse it is like there being two cool places in a city where there are a million different ways to connect those two places together, often in surprising and novel ways that people didn’t necessarily forsee. It also means that a fundamental level of design connections between any two things in the fediverse are durable and not subject to catastrophically breaking if any one connection in the fediverse is temporarily broken. This is NOT like a bridge at all.
A city of bridges is not a city.
So like, cool Bluesky has a bridge here now, I hope it doesn’t get knocked out by a freak act of nature I mean enshittification…
Two answers.
Thomas Picketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine
Even reading a brief summary of the main points of both books gets you to a decent explanation.
Here is a good blogpost about it
Check out this mastodon thread and associated links
TL;DR Bluesky is not functionally federated nor decentralized, it is dubious if it ever will be and the layer of post sorting and moderation required to participate in Bluesky’s network is extremely computationally intensive and this aspect of Bluesky is NOT open source and is a proprietary black box.
The fediverse and activity pub are the future, even if the current hype train leaving the station (…who is paying for all the free drinks on that train and why?) makes it feel otherwise in the short term.