Just because you don’t like the innovations doesn’t mean they don’t exist, need I remind you of the, k-cup, nitro brew, instant coffee, frappuccino, iced coffee.
Just because you don’t like the innovations doesn’t mean they don’t exist, need I remind you of the, k-cup, nitro brew, instant coffee, frappuccino, iced coffee.
I take offense to this, traditionally American coffee is made with a percolator (a much much stronger coffee) but it was replaced with the very American invention of the Mr. Coffee (the gold standard at the time).
also if you remember that whole Boston tea party thing, it wasn’t just dumping tea, tea was seen as a political statement, aligning yourself with the crown and anyone who supported the colonies and Independence would drink the much, much stronger coffee,
the truth is that American coffee has become so ubiquitous that it is the base line of what coffee is and anything else is pointed out as an oddity. America kind of invented coffee, not entirely, it certainly existed elsewhere but they are almost certainly the reason you know about coffee at all, coffee is more American than the American flag, it has been around longer and has a more important part of the foundation of the country. I would say it’s so American you could say all those fancy coffees are just cheap knockoffs.
What kind of office is street level? Isn’t that exclusively retail space?
You make a perfectly innocent cartoon political and then you wonder why trump won.
Really? The cat saw she was taking pictures of him and then went out of his way to lick himself in public for her to see.
Not to victim blame but can’t help but think that cat was flaunting deliberately.
That’s what I did, I spent my entire life slowing moving forwards every day making a little progress no matter the amount and now that I’m 32 I have finally got a drawing my mother would put on the fridge.
At this point we should just swing to 10 gbps sfp+ ports, it’s faster, it’s lower latency, it’s upgradable to 100gbps, it travels over fiber, but most importantly, it is a network protocol and we can use it for our Internet.
I could make an argument for K-Cups or at least individually packaged coffee.
One of the biggest problems with ground coffee is that the first scoop is fresh but when you get to the bottom it is stale, whole beans have the same problem but it takes longer . The problem is both are in an oxygen environment when you open them the K-Cup is stored in nitrogen and sealed until use, we might use old beans or bad beans but the invention itself is pretty revolutionary.
Instant coffee is harder to defend but I will say it took over all of Europe and it to is revolutionary l, if you get the kind that is made by freeze drying instead of dehydration it is a lot better and also it is dependent on the beans