Remember when conservatives claimed that liberals would screech about “current thing”? Always projection.
In 1865, the U.S. ratified the 13th amendment that reads “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” Essentially ending slavery as we know it.
And since then, the wealthy have been attempting to do everything they can to bring it back.
It started with the black codes and Jim Crow, doing a facsimile of slavery and violence. This merged into segregation, and then on to red linning and unequal judicial practices. In the civil war, the south got poor white men to enlist by convincing them that freed black men would take their jobs, and we see this continued rhetoric today.
As a result, black people have been grouped together by way of literally preventing them from being in white areas, and for the last 70 years, relying on how difficult it really is to move up and out of any area. You know the best way of passing down wealth? Real estate, which black people have been pointedly pushed away from by redlining and segregation. Ultimately, black Americans have developed their own parallel culture, one that white people have historically shrieked away from. So we end up with two very different groups that see each other as different.
I do think it’s a Russia thing. Putin getting America to alienate all of its closest allies, so that it’s only Russia left to aid.
I’m also kind of new, and if you’re doling out advice, I’ve got a quesiton: If I were interested in potentially modding someday, what kind of things should I learn/read up on to handle that kind of responsibility? I want to help build communities so I can selfishly enjoy them, but im feeling too new so far.
Got banned for saying Nazis shouldn’t be alive. Welcome to lemmy, I’m personally approaching it with the philosophy of “communities need activity to thrive”
I’ve been taking pictures of elevator buttons for a few years now. My job gets me into a lot of elevators in a lot of different places. Idk why, it’s just like a quick, easy, and weightless souvenir.
Another running theory is knitting.
2 steps away from thought crimes
Changing the Gulf of Mexico was also just a proposal before he aped it for an eo.
It’s kind of like all the “one day” boycotts, all of them are so quick that they don’t have time to get the word out, and really what we should be doing is a long and concentrated effort