Free fruit and granola bars were always available in the kitchenette next to the “fitness center”. I’d always end my work day with a few minutes on the treadmill, while noming on free food.
Free fruit and granola bars were always available in the kitchenette next to the “fitness center”. I’d always end my work day with a few minutes on the treadmill, while noming on free food.
I remember the driver being female, and i want to say it was her mother in the passenger seat that was hit. Yeah, i stopped using digg or whatever it was for a while after that…
Way more kids will die if these people ban all vaccines. See the measles outbreak this post is about.
This goes way beyond “people i don’t like”. These people are stupid, evil or both. People who want me executed because I like Dick. People who want to ban vaccines, so other people’s kids will suffer. People who want me in a work camp because I need antidepressants to function. People who are raising those kids to believe the same stupid, evil shit that they’ve bought into, belief that others should suffer, because reasons.
I’m not talking about the kids, I’m talking about the parents, the same type of people who want me to be locked up in a camp because i need antidepressants to function. The same people who want to ban vaccines, execute the gays, deport my lawyer sister in law (while cheering the release of felons that stormed the capital).
The only way these people can possibly empathize with actual human beings, is to hurt.
Shhhh, don’t interrupt the enemy when they want to make a mistake
Alternate take: You’ve filtered out the obvious garbage and/or don’t care about YouTube drama!
I love me some organ music.
There’s a video game called Stellaris that uses it, and I find myself pausing the game, just to zone out to that ethereal sound.