Almost always higher pay but worse everything else. It’s a golden goose to extract revenue from but actually being American is kinda cringe especially when the USA chants break out.
Almost always higher pay but worse everything else. It’s a golden goose to extract revenue from but actually being American is kinda cringe especially when the USA chants break out.
China has been subsidizing EVs since 2010.
Western culture is built on delivering value to shareholders first and foremost.
It would be an uphill battle. Yes Americans are overall less educated because they don’t invest in education and let their media spread lies unchecked but invading Canada is a big leap (for now).
Canada as a nation has a concept of common good.
America is obsessed with the idea of not helping the poor because if they’re not incentivized to “bootstrap,” they’ll get lazy.
Americans die of not having access to drugs that are developed In America and subsidized by American tax dollars.
I think we all know which is more ethical.
Many Americans do not care. Brains have been rotted by their social media and “anti-woke” identity politics so critical thinking is waning. They’ll pay more and find a way to not blame it on Trump.
America as a positive cultural force in the world is on its dying breaths. It was a good run. The rest of the world should be looking at moving forward while leaving America and the crypto, AI, and social networking dystopia it seems obsessed with creating behind.
The rest of the world should be emphasizing divestment in the US and, overall, leaving America behind at this critical juncture.
Trump administration says fentanyl though very little moves across the Canadian border. They’re using it to declare a national emergency and therefore bypass Congress.
From Canada’s perspective it’s to weaken Canada’s perspective it’s to weaken the Canadian economy so that it’s easier to annex.
Definitely true. We had a German professor with an essentially incomprehensible accent teaching calculus at our college. Basically everyone had to learn it from the textbook.
US compartmentalizes based on race. It’s apparent in essentially all of the media they export to the rest of the world.
Historically American society operated based on a race based caste system and the consequences of that echo into the present day.
Expression becomes more free when you ban Nazis and other fascists.