8 days ago¡Think of the society that would crumble if everyone that was an impoverished wage slave ended their life! If even so much as a third to a fifth of the world’s population did it, everything would be ripping apart at the seams pretty quick.
¿What the hell? It’s right there in the title, letting users OPT INTO IT as in not in the company’s discretion forced upon everyone but allowing the user to set their tolerance levels. As long as it can be set to 0 why’s this a bad thing?
Forcing moderation ONTO everyone is vehemently opposed.
¿Why the fuck would anyone want to prevent an AI from filtering out nazi/csam from their own feeds?
He’s thought of a clever way to offload the responsibility/burden of the platform/service allowing speech on it. It allows people who don’t want to see triggering content to not see it, without having to involve some third party that gets PTSD from filtering out all the vile shit humanity has to offer.