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I also run the hobby and nerd interest website scratch-that.org.
There is, but nothing I can find online is great quality. There are various collections of Wally Wood’s art for sale, but they are unreasonably expensive. The snippet I posted was from a physical copy of Epic Illustrated April 1982 that has a tribute section to the Wally.
More pics:
The cover of the issue.
The tribute showing a snippet of his drawing range. He could do light hearted goofy comics or serious action pieces.
He’s an upper middle senior lower upper management type who is looking for a bonus payment (just for himself, not for his team) so he can improve his already outlandish standard of personal living.
What’s not to empathize with? I mean, we’ve all been there.
Sketchbook. On work trips, I always finish one drawing every night as a way to get out of a work headspace.