I know that; people who are reading this might not, so I described it in a way everyone could understand.
I know that; people who are reading this might not, so I described it in a way everyone could understand.
would confuse me because when I hear “provider” I think ISP before anything else
At least on Lemmy, every post and comment has a colorful button that serves as a link to the original post (i.e. on the poster’s home instance). I just used that button to see this post on your home instance and it seems that there, it is hidden behind the “More” menu and called “Open original URL”.
So that gives you links to the post on all home instances of the users who have already commented in the thread.
Scribus, ideally.
One piece of non-free software gone, many more to go.
How do you define doomscrolling? A newspaper or magazine inherently only has a limited number of pages.
I remember reading that police training in most other countries takes a much longer time and much more effort than in the US. I am sure this is a factor.
I remember for some time following a LibreWolf community that was hosted on Lemmy from my Mastodon account and wondering why all the LibreWolf team was doing was reposting Lemmy comments (some of which I’d already seen on Lemmy). Then I figured out what was going on, now I know a lot more about ActivityPub. :D
Why would one even get the idea to use AI for something like this?
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe.”
Precisely the opposite of what the world needs.
“Community” on Mastodon?
Copyleft licenses are harder to comply with, they usually come with clauses that can be interpreted in different ways, termination clauses, etc.
Yeah I know, I sort Lemmy by “new comments” and Mastodon obviously only chronologically.
It’s just that the first type of “social media” I ever used (in my childhood) was the web forum and I kinda miss that. :D
in my mind it’s kinda the point of Ladybird to have a permissively licensed implementation of web standards, I like permissive licenses if only because they reduce legal risks
It was definitely a good development to let social media operators make automated “recommendations based on what you seem to like” instead of, you know, letting users decide manually what they want to see, amirite… /s
It is used for PeerTube, it seems from quick web research.
The fediverse is inherently a place where it’s a lot harder to delete anything than on non-federated platforms. It always will be because everything you post here is instantly copied to hundreds (if not thousands) of other servers. Some of them may be actively hostile and intentionally not respect deletions. Some of them may just be misconfigured or for another non-malicious reason fail to delete things.
So don’t post things on the fediverse that you think you might one day regret.
I’ve always read it as “shit just works”. Why would the “sh” be there if we weren’t supposed to read it?
What exactly are the significant features of Pinterest? I am not very familiar with it.