That would be a travesty. As an apolitical person myself, I love punk rock. The lyrics really resonate with me.
That would be a travesty. As an apolitical person myself, I love punk rock. The lyrics really resonate with me.
Ugh. Since when was Pink Floyd political?
Everyone knows that art and politics never mix.
/s obviously
Cake brulee
Halium is basically what you’re talking about. It uses the Android HAL to run Linux.
The thing is, that also uses the Android kernel, meaning that there will essentially never be a kernel update since the kernel patches by Qualcomm have a ton of technical debt. The people working on porting mainline Linux to SoCs are essentially rewriting everything from scratch.
There are two solutions for that. One is Waydroid, which is basically what you’re describing. Another is android_translation_layer, which is closer to WINE in that it translates API calls to more native Linux ones, although that project is still in the alpha stages.
You can try both on desktop Linux if you’d like. Just don’t expect to run apps that require passing SafetyNet, like many banking apps.
After the War on Terror was declared, it essentially meant that the executive branch could essentially go to war with any country if they call them terrorists without former approval from Congress.
It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism.
Yeah, I don’t really like that I had to do that either. Figured using specifically Pink Floyd as an example would make the sarcasm obvious.